Monthly Archives: March 2016
An Immense, Reckless, Shameless, Conscienceless, Proud Crime
Wolfi Landstreicher
An Immense, Reckless, Shameless, Conscienceless, Proud Crime
Stirner’s Demolition of the Sacred
Stirner’s Demolition of the Sacred
“In crime the egoist has hitherto asserted himself and mocked at the sacred; the break with the sacred, or rather of the sacred, may become general. A revolution never returns, but an immense, reckless, shameless, conscienceless, proud—crime, doesn’t it rumble in the distant thunder, and don’t you see how the sky grows ominously silent and gloomy?”—Max Stirner
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Berlin: BKA counter-terrorism building attacked with petrol bombs & paint
It is evening in the city… While in the last few weeks hundreds of cops besieged Rigaer Strasse, harassed people and broke into homes and collective spaces, the responsible bureaucrats met in Berlin together with representatives of the arms industry, delegates of various torturers from different countries and political actors from the entire European area to discuss how these and other repressions could generate more profit.
As a small gesture of solidarity for those affected by this machinery and to express our burning hatred for those responsible, on the night of 26.02.16. we attacked the counter-terrorism center of Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) with fire and paint.
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Responsibility Claim On the night of Wednesday March 2nd we attacked the French Institute in Athens with Molotov – Greece
On the night of Wednesday March 2nd we attacked the French Institute in Athens with Molotov
With this a act we send a message of class solidarity to the persecuted
militants who fight against the terrorism of the French state. The
French Institute expresses the hypocrisy of the French Democracy, which
hides the viciousness of the capitalist dominance behind the unfulfilled
revolutionary slogan Freedom-Equality-Brotherhood.
Continue reading Responsibility Claim On the night of Wednesday March 2nd we attacked the French Institute in Athens with Molotov – Greece
“Our House” occupied community centre in Kensington this week
Welcome to the OUR HOUSE Pop Up Community Centre!
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For a month against police: SPVM cruiser attacked outside of metro Charlevoix
Earlier today, at 6 pm, a few friends attacked an SPVM cruiser parked outside of Charlevoix metro in the Montreal neighborhood of Pointe-Saint-Charles by slashing the tires and breaking the windows.
Continue reading For a month against police: SPVM cruiser attacked outside of metro Charlevoix
* InDooR RaVe iN WeSteRn Cz *
I became aware of the existence of zines around 1993, when one of the Slovenian local music zines, Rock Vibe managed to get regular distribution. It was sold in every kiosk, or newsstand, right next to Bravo. Bravo was a music biweekly from Germany that included stickers and posters of New Kids on the Block, Roxette, 2 Unlimited, Guns’n’Roses, and other teen idols.
Nueva Agresión Fascista (Madrid)
Una nueva agresión se a dado lugar en Madrid por parte de varios fascistas ya conocidos en este barrio, pero aún así la policía no los detienen, pero si identifica a los agredidos.
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Tumeremo: Masacran 28 mineros con complicidad oficial, el pueblo protesta y gobernador niega el crimen
No es la primera vez que se habla de masacre al sur del estado Bolívar. Los enfrentamientos por el control de las minas ilegales se han vuelto el pan de cada día en un territorio donde la principal actividad económica es la extracción, compra y venta de oro. Pero a diferencia de aquellos rumores, esta vez, las víctimas tienen rostro. Nombres y apellidos aportados por sus familiares que, la madrugada de este sábado, trancaron la troncal 10, principal arteria vial que conecta a Venezuela con el suroriente del país, para reclamar el paradero de al menos 28 mineros.