On February 25th just passed, a branch of the Federal Department for the Environment in Bern was attacked with paint.
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Monthly Archives: March 2016
A-Radio-Soliparty im Syndikat: 26.3.!
Am Samstag, den 26.3., steigt im Syndikat die große Soli-Party des Anarchistischen Radios Berlin. Wir sammeln Geld für ein Treffen anarchistischer und antiautoritärer Radioprojekte, das 2016 stattfinden wird. Und wir sammeln Geld, um neue anarchistische Radioprojekte im Ausland infrastrukturell zu unterstützen, damit sie loslegen können und der Welt libertäre Inhalte und Programme präsentieren können.
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Toulouse, France: Incendiary Attack Against Vinci Trucks
Solidarity arson
Toulouse Saturday 27th February
We set fire to several trucks on a Vinci construction site.
We wanted to kick start a fire.
To have fun together,
to not go where we were expected.
It was great.
A fire in winter is warming.
Support to all the crusty kids, zadists or not
[Note: Vinci is the construction company planning to construct the controversial Notre Dame des Landes airport, which as met fierce resistance in the form of the ZAD (zone à défendre)]
Posters in solidarity with Holman prison rebels
We put up posters in various neighbors of South Philly. The posters express solidarity with the struggle of the prisoners in Holman prison in Alabama. Some Bernie-bro got real mad but he didn’t run fast enough to catch us
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Defiant of authority: moral panics and the social stigma of imprisonment in Greece
An effort is being made to disrupt the communication between prisoners with their loved ones as well as the flow of information that guides collectives, solidarity movements and campaigners to initiate actions in solidarity with prisoners’ rights and struggles behind bars. Squats, banners, demos, articles, are all integral aspects of necessary social action that breaks the silence and amplifies the reality in the country’s prisons so that it becomes visible for the rest of society, even those unaffected by incarceration and its consequences.
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Maxi-processo all’Onda: richiesti 71 anni di carcere
A cinque anni di distanza dai fatti contestati, si avvia alla conclusione il maxi-processo agli studenti del movimento dell’Onda e, più in generale, a chi tra il 2009 e il 2011 si è reso protagonista delle lotte sociali in città. Settantuno anni di carcere distribuiti tra settanta imputati. Confermata l’accusa di associazione a delinque su sette imputati, alla base dell’inchiesta che nel 2011 aveva già prodotto l’applicazione di 35 misure cautelari utilizzate dalla procura per attaccare e intimidire le lotte che si producevano in città.
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Emission Papillon du jeudi 17 mars 2016
Publié le 22 mars 2016 par papillon
Les 1er et 3ème jeudis du mois
de 20h à 21h
sur Radio Dio 89.5FM à St-Etienne
et sur Radio Canut 102.2FM à Lyon et Saint-Quentin Fallavier
(en alternance avec “la Petite Cuillère”)
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España. José Antúnez Becerra Muestra Su Apoyo Y Solidaridad Con Francisco Solar Y Mónica Caballero
Estimados compañeros Mónica y Francisco:
Ante todo os pido que seáis fuertes dentro de la situación en la que os encontráis.
Porque desde este lugar donde me encuentro os transmito toda mi solidaridad.
me siento triste de saber en la situación que os encontráis pero lo que puedo transmitir es fuerza contra los intransigentes, sabeis que ahí estoy yo también.
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Finland: Luxury cars sabotaged in eastern Helsinki
In the night between the 9th and 10th March 2016, we sabotaged about 10 luxury cars rendering them unusable.
Driving private cars, especially big ones in the city, is useless and ecologically unsustainable.
We will carry on action to disturb destruction and exploitation of nature and animals.
in German
Nantes: Once again against the permanence of François de Rugy (en/fr)
West France / Monday, February 22, 2016
The window of the premises of Green MP François de Rugy was damaged in the night from Sunday to Monday. Four individuals were arrested.
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