Monthly Archives: April 2016
Greece: Dire consequences of detention, corruption & authoritarianism in Grevena prison
Grevena March 31st 2016
Prisoners detained in Grevena prison co-signed this letter and sent it to the Ministry of Justice to inform officials regarding the following demands which relate to our day to day survival in this ”correctional facility”. Officials must ensure these demands are fulfilled as a minimum gesture of humane treatment towards people with deviant behaviour, since their implementation is commanded by the -violated against us- penal code. For the past two weeks we asked to organize a committee that will manage the issues affecting us, but the fascists running the prison with authoritarianism refused this in the complain letter we sent to the ministry.
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wallmapu: Comunicados públicos de comunidades mapuche en solidaridad con las recientes detenciones
Comunicados de Bajo malleko y Comunidad autónoma Temucuicui,
Comunicado Público de las comunidades del sector bajo Malleko
Las Comunidades Mapuche del sector Bajo Malleko a nuestro Pueblo Nación Mapuche y a la opinión pública nacional e internacional declaramos lo que sigue:
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Dark Nights #45 : ‘Without a Trace of Remorse’ by Aggeliki Spyropoulou & ‘April’s Dream’ by Eat (ACN)
Bringing together two escape attempts, a dream, letters, claims of responsibility, interventions and the perpetual destruction of the existent…
1. ‘Without a Trace of Remorse’ by Aggeliki Spyropoulou.
2. ‘April’s Dream’ by Eat.
3. Coverage of the CCF Escape Case Trial.
4. ‘The perpetual move towards freedom…’ by Christos Tsakalos, CCF / FAI-FRI.
5. Message from CCF / Metropolitan Violence Cell to Las Lecheros Library, Chile.
6. CCF – FAI/IRF: The Free Besieged.
7. Open letter of Pola Roupa about the attempt to break Nikos Maziotis and members of CCF out of Korydallos prison.
8. Intervention of Christos Tsakalos at an event in the self managed hangout in Karditsa.
9. Direct Action Chronology
No-Border-Kitchen Lesvos – Urgent Call
Forwarded call for urgent support for the No-Border-Kitchen on Lesvos! (German)
The dirty deal between the EU and Turkey did not lead to a situation where people don’t dare to cross the mediterranean sea to Europe anymore. Of course not. It just increased the repression refugees have to face once they enter the EU. It facilitated the possibilities of deportation into Turkey, a state at war with its “own” Population. It supports the European Union in its own interest to further divide between people that are allowed to enter and people that get rejected. There should be no hope for anyone not fleeing from Syria to enter Europe. On Lesvos the impact of these decisions are more evident then ever. The so called “Hot-Spot” in Moria has factually become a prison incarcerating over 3000 refugees, on very limited space. The first deportations to Turkey have begun without giving the people the possibility to apply for asylum in Greece.
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En la ciudad de Cordóba, mientras se desarrollaba la marcha en conmemoración del 40 aniversario del inicio de la ultima dictadura militar y en repudio a la visita de Barack Obama, presidente de los Estados Unidos, un grupo de encapuchadxs iniciaron una serie de ataques contra un móvil de información, locales comerciales y sucursales bancarias (Mc Donalds, Banco Santander, Banco de Cordóba, etc).
Adémas, la policia fue confrontada por medio de piedras, bombas de pintura y bengalas, resultando algunxs enemigxs con heridas.
No se produjo detención alguna.
[Terni] Iniziativa a sostegno della campagna “Pagine Contro la Tortura”
Tokata Y Fuga 2-IV-2016. Más Vueltas Al Tema de La Necesidad Y Posibilidades de Una Lucha Anticarcelaria Real
Hacemos tertulia sobre problemas concretos y urgentes que harían necesaria la existencia de una actividad anticarcelaria real, sobre su ausencia y sobre diversas maneras de hacer como si ya existiera en lugar de intentar darle vida. Mientras discutimos de todo esto vamos tocando diferentes aspectos de lo que está pasando en las cárceles o en el campo de influencia directa del sistema penal.
Continue reading Tokata Y Fuga 2-IV-2016. Más Vueltas Al Tema de La Necesidad Y Posibilidades de Una Lucha Anticarcelaria Real
[Alba – Cuneo] Iniziativa in piazza contro la repressione
Alba, Sabato 09 Aprile 2016. Piazza S. Giovanni
Sabato 09 aprile, tutt* in piazza per protestare contro una situazione che sta diventando sempre più insostenibile e sempre più insopportabile (in particolare qui ad Alba e nel suo circondario)! La repressione c’è, è ovunque e anche qui si sente! Ognuno di noi ne fa i conti ogni giorno.
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