On Friday, when the judge at Boulogne-sur-mer announced, three times that the trial of 8 friends was irregular the court room erupted into applause and cheering. Waiting outside were a brace of Police de l’Air et des Frontières (PAF) waiting to take 5 of them (the foreigners) to detention after they had been served with Obligation de Quitter la Territoire Français (OQTF). But these had already escaped and were not present to appreciate the announcement of their victory.
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Monthly Archives: April 2016
Judge continues the trial against CCF despite concerns raised by District Attorney & defense lawyers (Greece)
Today on March 31st the court convened for the trial against members of the C.C.F. accused to have planned an escape from prison. Due to an ongoing lawyers’ strike, the defense attorneys asked for the trial to temporarily discontinue. The lawyers even proceeded to the submission of relevant documents from the Bar Association certifying the strike and the lawyers’ need to take part in it.
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If fighting for freedom is a crime, innocence is really the worst of all April 2016 – Brussels (en/fr)
PDF in french
About the forthcoming antiterrorist trial against anarchists and anti-authoritarians in Belgium
Festival de Cinema Anarquista de Barcelona
Festival de Cinema Anarquista de Barcelona 2016
Estimades rates i feristeles diverses, negres i altament florejades:
Un cop més, i malgrat l’enorme gest d’irresponsabilitat que suposa el fet de donar excessiva continuïtat a les coses, ens dirigim a vosaltres per a informar que aquest any tindreu el gran plaer, o disgust (cadascun amb el seu), de veure néixer i morir la VI edició del Festival de Cinema Anarquista de Barcelona. Un cop més, doncs, us desafiem a compartir amb nosaltres aquesta tirallonga de curts, documentals i pel·lícules que projectem amb millor o pitjor encert però que, això sí, sempre esperem que no us deixin indiferents.
Concierto benéfico Radio Bronka
Los Blokes Fantasma. Avda. Coll del Portell, 59 bis. M <L3> Lesseps / Vallcarca.
Escucha Radio Bronka – 104.5 fm – www.radiobronka.info
Rassemblement antifasciste contre l’islamophobie & l’extrême droite // Antifascistische Samenkomst tegen islamofobie en extreem rechts
Le groupuscule raciste et fasciste “Génération Identitaire” a lancé un appel européen en vue d’une manifestation islamophobe à Molenbeek ce samedi 2 avril. Si le bourgmestre dit refuser d’autoriser ce rassemblement, il est clair que l’extrême-droite compte faire de Bruxelles et en particulier Molenbeek, le symbole de leur obsession islamophobe.
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Comunicado del centro social autónomo La Solidaria.
Los medios no hablan de la cantidad de gente que se acercó a la marcha del 24 de Febrero ni de las numerosas acciones que se llevaron a cabo en otras regiones. Al mismo tiempo, la calma que ahora parece reinar en torno al desalojo del espacio serena los ánimos y nos hace dormir esperando nuevos golpes. Pero esta calma es tan solo una apariencia. Es una táctica del poder, que solo habla cuando quiere ensuciar un proyecto que hace más de 4 años viene siendo protagonista del conflicto social y que cuando calla, en silencio, hace avanzar su lenta pero devastadora máquina burocrática.
Continue reading Comunicado del centro social autónomo La Solidaria.
Israeli forces shoot, injure 13-year-old Palestinian in Jerusalem
JERUSALEM (Ma’an) – Israeli forces shot a Palestinian teen in the back of the head with a rubber-coated steel bullet while he was walking to school in the Silwan neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem on Saturday morning, his family told Ma’an.Yasin Abu Mayyala said his son Hatim, 13, was taken from the Ras al-Amoud area in Silwan where he was shot to Hadassah Hospital in the West Jerusalem neighborhood of Ein Kerem, where medics said he suffered from a deep wound that required stitches.
Continue reading Israeli forces shoot, injure 13-year-old Palestinian in Jerusalem
White Bear and Shining Flower – Yona Unega original writing
White Bear and Shining Flower
Yona Unega-ale-Utsilvsgi-Utsisdalugisgi
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Grave aggressione fascista a Trento
In risposta all’episodio avvenuto ieri a Trento, dove un attivista della rete contro i fascismi e del centro sociale Bruno è stato aggredito dal responsabile locale di CasaPound, questo pomeriggio è svolto un corteo spontaneo di un centinaio di persone.
Di seguito riportiamo il comunicato dell’Osservatorio contro i fascismi Trentino AA – Südtirol:
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