All posts by machorka

In memory of our Insurrectionary Anarchist Compañero Mauricio Morales



Early  morning in Santiago on 22 of May 2009 we lost our brother Mauricio Morales. He was carrying an explosive device which detonated in his back pack, he died on the spot. It is assumed that the disgusting institution of the school of the Gendarmerie was the aim of his attack. He died a fighter, without fear, without hesitation, confronting every form of power.
He decided to turn his hatred into action. He transformed his life into a constant struggle against the existent. Publications, direct support to imprisoned comrades, the spreading of anarchist and anti-authoritarian literature, the spreading of ideas were part of the daggers he sharpened during his life. In this way he wanted to contribute in different ways to the destruction of this society based on the logic of power and exploitation.
Remembering these moments our hearts fill with pain, but it is important not to fall into the lethargy that the loss of a comrade can lead to. We cannot forget that he died with his eyes fixed on his aim. And this fact must shake us, must help us to open our eyes.
We are at war, the strikes will be many, but that’s how it is for a fighter that doesn’t stop, doesn’t bow his head; that makes his life, among other things, a constant surmounting of obstacles.
The harshness of death strikes us and is such a whirlpool that sometimes we can barely believe what is happening. Death or prison is not only a slogan, today for us, those words are tattooed with blood and fire.
…some words written by comrades of Mauricio in 2009 who remain in our hearts and continue to fire our passions.
“Because when your heart beats, it beats freedom, love and anarchy!
Anarchy doesn’t die in the mouth, it prevails in active hands.”

Video. Palabras del prisionero libertario Marcelo Villarroel para el 5º Festival Hip-Hop realizado en Peñalolén


Palabras del preso libertario Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda leídas íntegras en el 5º Festival Hip-Hop realizado en Peñalolén el 7 de Mayo, Santiago de Chile. Organizado por “Rap Autónomo Poblacional” con el lema: “Contra la democracia de los ricos… No a la detención por sospecha”.

Uruguay: Ataque con bombas molotov contra el CALEN


En la madrugada del martes 17 de mayo atacamos con cócteles molotov, una de las puertas del Centro de Altos Estudios Nacionales (CALEN), dependencia del ministerio de defensa nacional; Desde donde se planificaron y ejecutaron los planes del ejército para asesinar a nuestros compañeros de la lucha revolucionaria. Este ataque es otro acto de justicia social frente a las agresiones provocadas en el laboratorio del grupo de investigación en arqueología forense de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencia donde se dañó y robó información referente al paradero del cuerpo de nuestros hermanos asesinados por el Estado uruguayo.
Continue reading Uruguay: Ataque con bombas molotov contra el CALEN

Horst Fantazzini dal carcere della Dozza (Bologna, 4 dicembre 2000)


Carissima *,

ricevere la tua bellissima lettera è stata una grande gioia. Tra l’altro l’ho ricevuta il giorno del rientro da una licenza, dopo aver trascorso otto magnifici giorni con Pralina a casa mia. Così, la tua lettera, ha attenuato l’impatto negativo del rientro qui. Sai, il fatto di uscire e rientrare la sto vivendo come una grande contraddizione personale. Mando temporaneamente giù questo rospo in quanto non è solo una scelta mia ma anche della mia compagna, di mio figlio e dei compagni di Bologna e questa scelta è vincolata a dei tempi precisi.
Continue reading Horst Fantazzini dal carcere della Dozza (Bologna, 4 dicembre 2000)



On the Internet in the spring of 2000, the first disinformation campaign aimed at giving credence to the idea of religious racism in Europe was developed. It made a strong contribution to the about-face of some left and ultra-left militants. These militants didn’t hesitate in renouncing a project, a thought and a language rooted in three centuries of revolutionary battle.