Category Archives: FR

A communique by a comrade on the run, Diego Rios, from some unknown part of the world (2009) en/es/fr


On the 24th of June, the Jhonny Cariqueo Social Centro was ransacked by the ‘Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (GOPE)’, Special Forces of the Chilean State, as part of investigations into recent bombings against the government and capitalist institutions. They were searching for our comrade Diego Rios because they had found a bag with material for the manufacture of explosives in the house of his mother. The police didn’t find Diego, and were met with dead silence by the comrades in the house at this time. It is now two weeks since Diego took the decision to go on the run, refusing to fall in the hands of the enemy, assuming the position of an antagonist in society. Our comrade, we send our support and brotherly hugs. Our comrade, every day you evade the police is a strike at power!
Continue reading A communique by a comrade on the run, Diego Rios, from some unknown part of the world (2009) en/es/fr

Nouvelles de la lutte contre la maxi-prison


L’Etat a décidé de construire 13 nouvelles prisons, dont la plus grande est projetée au nord de Bruxelles. D’un côté, cette maxi-prison compte en finir avec la révolte et les rébellions dans les prisons ; de l’autre, son ombre pèsera sur tout le monde, qu’on se trouve à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur. Nous luttons contre la construction de cette maxi-prison, parce que les atrocités ne sont pas à construire, mais à détruire. Nous luttons contre, parce que cette prison est à l’image de ce que le pouvoir est en train de faire avec Bruxelles : transformer la ville en une zone taillée pour satisfaire les riches, les puissants, les eurocrates et les capitalistes. Notre lutte est une lutte directe et auto-organisée, sans partis politiques ni grandes organisations ; une lutte qui veut empêcher concrètement sa construction par le refus active et le sabotage.
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Alle Origini del Potere (it/fr)


Aviv Etrebilal
«Non amo i popoli, amo solo i miei amici»
Hannah Arendt
Un mito è un racconto che si ritiene esplicativo e soprattutto fondatore di una pratica sociale comune. Può essere portato originariamente da una tradizione orale, che propone una spiegazione per certi aspetti fondamentali del mondo e della società che ha forgiato o che veicola detti miti, può anche essere costruito di sana pianta da gruppi che hanno la ferma intenzione di servirsene per i propri fini. Il mito è fondatore per definizione. Fonda religioni, nazioni, popoli, identità.
Continue reading Alle Origini del Potere (it/fr)

Escapism has its Price (en/fr/pt) 2009


from “Non Fides” n. 4 – 2009


« – He’s already two hours late.
– Ah, but you know he’s an artist, and artists…
– Oh that, the artists…
– That’s the way they are, these artists.


It’s difficult not to soften and melt under the charm of artists and to not envy
them in a society founded on forbiddance and the threat of jail. Certain manners of
behaviour which no one else can get away with are permitted to the artist.
Continue reading Escapism has its Price (en/fr/pt) 2009

Letter from Fallon, an anarchist comrade imprisoned in Mexico – en/es/fr


Letter from Fallon, an anarchist imprisoned in Mexico
I want to begin this letter with a huge hug for all the compxs who are on the run, all those who are fighting for their liberty, and all those who are locked up and for whom this world of domination is trying to quell their rage. There is no cell, no wall, no authority to whom I give enough power to quiet my rage and my desire for liberty.

Continue reading Letter from Fallon, an anarchist comrade imprisoned in Mexico – en/es/fr

Discussion avec Laudelino Iglesias suivie de quelques lettres

Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa - Photo by Hannes Lochner

Surmonter les peurs

Certainement, nous subissons des formes de contrôle et de répression
qui produisent beaucoup de peurs. Mais nous ne pouvons et ne
devons pas laisser ces peurs nous paralyser. Parce que c’est précisément ce à quoi vise le système qui nous exploite et nous opprime.

La peur est subjective, chaque personne l’expérimente et l’exprime
de manière différente. Mais la peur peut être raisonnée, ce qui nous
rend plus prudents et aiguise notre intelligence et notre imagination.
Continue reading Discussion avec Laudelino Iglesias suivie de quelques lettres