Tag Archives: 1991

Nature as Spectacle (en/es)



(Author’s note: The frequent use of quotation marks in this essay is to reinforce the idea that nature and wilderness are concepts, not actual beings.)
Nature has not always existed. It is not found in the depths of the forest, in the heart of the cougar or in the songs of the pygmies; it is found in the philosophies and image constructions of civilized human beings. Seemingly contradictory strands are woven together creating nature as an ideological construct that serves to domesticate us, to suppress and channel our expressions of wildness.
Civilization is monolithic and the civilized way of conceiving everything that is observed is also monolithic. When confronted with the myriad of beings all around, the civilized mind needs to categorize in order to feel that it is understanding (though, in fact, all it is understanding is how to make things useful to civilization). Nature is one of the most essential of civilized categories, one of the most useful in containing the wildness of human individuals and enforcing their self-identification as civilized, social beings.
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Colombie : La police affronte les indigènes à coups de lance-pierre géant


Des Indiens Nasas affrontent la police anti-émeute dans le cadre d’une appropriation par les compagnies de Cannes à Sucre de terres indigènes à Corinto. Ces terres avaient été promises aux Nasas après un massacre en 1991. Les manifestants ont occupé une hacienda appartenant à un riche colombien propriétaire de chaines de TV, d’une compagnie de boissons gazeuses et de plantations de cannes à sucre. Les policiers ont dégainé lors des affrontements un étrange engin, une espèce de lance-pierre géant qui leur a servit à propulser cailloux et grenades anti-émeutes contre les émeutiers.


Expansión del fichero de internos de especial seguimiento dentro y fuera de las cárceles


Valoración de la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo en contra del régimen FIES

César MANZANOS BILBAO, Salhaketa de Araba

La política carcelaria que se organizó a finales de los ochenta con Múgica como Ministro de Justicia y Asunción como Director de Prisiones, se fundamentó en la apuesta por la reproducción de un modelo carcelario asentado sobre tres criterios prioritarios: la contención, la necesidad de garantizar la gobernabilidad de la cárcel y el negocio de la penalización.
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en/es – Nature As Spectacle: by Feral Faun


The image of wilderness vs. Wildness

 (Author’s note: The frequent use of quotation marks in this essay is to reinforce the idea that nature and wilderness are concepts, not actual beings.)

Nature has not always existed. It is not found in the depths of the forest, in the heart of the cougar or in the songs of the pygmies; it is found in the philosophies and image constructions of civilized human beings. Seemingly contradictory strands are woven together creating nature as an ideological construct that serves to domesticate us, to suppress and channel our expressions of wildness.
Continue reading en/es – Nature As Spectacle: by Feral Faun

Tokata Y Fuga 8-XI-2014. Historia De Las Luchas Anticarcelarias En El Territorio Del Estado Español (1976-1991)


Iniciamos con una introducción la emisión de una nueva sección grabada sobre las luchas contra la cárcel en el territorio del Estado español desde  la COPEL hasta los FIES. Leemos una carta de Ceive solidarizádose con Noelia Cotelo. Hablamos de la fuerte petición fiscal a tres personas de Lleida por solidarizarse con la lucha de los presos, de dos muertes recientes en la cárcel de Villabona, y de la situación de los presos palestinos en manos  del Estado de Israel.

EARTH CITIZENS-To A Nation Of Party Lovers(c60-Resistance Prods-Switzerland-1991)


This is the cassette by Earth Citizens called “To A nation Of Party Lovers”,it came out with a booklet included here and it was released on Resistance Prods in 1991.
In 2001 it was re-printed as  vinyl by Strongly Opposed Records.Here  few info I have found on their discos page.
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Il Cattivo Pensiero



L’indifferenza, il pessimismo verso le cose che accadono in questo mondo, uccidono lo sguardo caritevole del cristiano che con tanto amore vi presta la propria attenzione. Il nostro compito non e’ quello di passare da una parte all’altra dello specchio, ma di mandarlo in frantumi, regolando i conti con entrambi.
Che nessuno si senta umiliato, deriso per la sua inattualita’, il suo essere considerato individio fuori circuito, irrecuperabile, pazzo o incontrollabile, dato che la sua stessa esistenza denuncia il compromesso; il sio isolamento costituisce un atto di accusa come l’infame patto contartto da coloro che invece di lottare hanno scelto vigliaccamente di integrarsi, allineandosi alle ragioni del potere.
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