Tag Archives: 1994



A.M. Bonanno

In a climate such as that which prevails at the present time, with its general disenchantment and restoration of the absolute values of competition and capitalist efficientism, the demonstration of voluntary workers that took place in Rome recently shows, if nothing else, that there are still people around who represent the values of solidarity and equality. It is precisely this aspect, utopian in the better sense of the word, that attracts many young people to an involvement which if, on the one hand makes them feel better as it gives them a ‘different’ projectuality, on the other involuntarily makes them the accomplices of an overall project of power which needs them in order to complete itself in every aspect.

Drifting from the sacred: Thoughts inspired by Feral Faun


Thoughts inspired by
reading Peter Lamborn
Wilson’s The Sacred Drift

My feelings when I read Peter Lamborn Wilson is that he wishes to live very much as I do, yet he looks to thc realm of spirituality as a means to achieve this. To me, it is evident that this is another false path to autonomous self-creation–precisely because it is a path…and one that has been tried so often its failure should be self-evident.
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::Contra la legalización de los espacios okupados. [El Paso Occupato] 1994


Vivir libres o morir.
Nuestro sueño es vivir libres, destruir cada forma de poder constituido y toda jerarquía.

Para nosotr@s la libertad no puede ser separada del placer y somos capaces de llevar a cabo grandes esfuerzos para conseguir ambas cosas. Somos conscientes de que no existe libertad en el sacrificio y la inmolación.
Continue reading ::Contra la legalización de los espacios okupados. [El Paso Occupato] 1994

For an Antiauthoritarian Insurrectionist International


Proposal for a Debate
First English Edition 1994
(Elephant Editions)
This proposal for a debate concerning an Antiauthoritarian Insurrectionalist International was first published in the Sardinian anarchist paper ‘Anarkiviu’. Oriented towards the Mediterranean region it is the fruit of various antiauthoritarian realities active in this region, particularly in Greece and Southern Italy.
We are reprinting it here as a response to the need for ongoing discussion and to spread the perspective of an informal, insurrectionalist organisational hypothesis, which is surely of interest to anti-authoritarians everywhere.

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Résignation est Complicité – Marco Camenisch (1994)


Alors qu’en Suisse, malgré une forte résistance, la construction de centrales nucléaires se poursuit, Marco Camenisch fait partie de ceux qui, au sein du mouvement antinucléaire, refusent de se résigner. En 1980, il est arrêté pour le dynamitage d’un pylône de ligne à haute tension et d’une centrale de transformation électrique. Lors de son procès, il lit une longue déclaration : Paix aux chaumières, guerre aux palais !
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La virtù del supplizio (it/en)


Aldo Perego
L’estensione dei diritti sanciti dalla moderna democrazia equivale ad una criminalizzazione generalizzata.
Si pretende così bandire la violenza diretta da tutti i rapporti sociali rafforzando il monopolio della violenza statale, considerata come legittima.
La giustizia non diminuisce la violenza, la normalizza soltanto; e quand’anche ne trasgrediamo le regole, quasi sempre ci convince a rientrare nel gioco: perché finiamo col comportarci come bravi ragazzi.

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La Virtù del Supplizio


Aldo Perego
L’estensione dei diritti sanciti dalla moderna democrazia equivale ad una criminalizzazione generalizzata.
Si pretende così bandire la violenza diretta da tutti i rapporti sociali rafforzando il monopolio della violenza statale, considerata come legittima.
La giustizia non diminuisce la violenza, la normalizza soltanto; e quand’anche ne trasgrediamo le regole, quasi sempre ci convince a rientrare nel gioco: perché finiamo col comportarci come bravi ragazzi.

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