Tag Archives: 2013

Kulon Progo: Tukijo, the farmer and activist who was jailed for 2,5 years in Jogjakarta is free (Indonesia)


Tukijo is a farmer and activist from Kulon Progo, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. He was kidnapped by the state and jailed for 2 years and 6 months, after the bloom of resistence against the mega-mining project from Australian company backed up by the provincial goverment and police. Tukijo accused as kidnapper of two officers from the mining company and provocateur for disturbing social peace. He faced fake trials with fake witnesses in the court. He was active member of the local struggle and became one the leading figures in Kulon Progo at the time.
Continue reading Kulon Progo: Tukijo, the farmer and activist who was jailed for 2,5 years in Jogjakarta is free (Indonesia)

Ultima Hora: Mantienen condena de 5 años y 300 días contra el compañero Hans Niemeyer + Fallo


De publicación refractario
Hoy 25 de Septiembre del 2013 la Corte Suprema decidió sobre la revisión que propuso la defensa de la condena. Se rechazo la posibilidad de realizar un nuevo juicio contra Hans quedando firme la sentencia de 5 años + 300 días de prisión.

Continue reading Ultima Hora: Mantienen condena de 5 años y 300 días contra el compañero Hans Niemeyer + Fallo

INDOKUMENTADO Distro (Philippines)


INDOKUMENTADO is a section of the Onsite Infoshop devoted to research and publication, it seeks to explore anarchism as distinctly practiced in the archipelago through the multi-disciplinary approach of science, social sciences, folklore and actual practices.  We are interested to trace this tradition of Philippine anarchism from the Pleistocene era to establish our basis for asserting non-hierarchical politics. We also want to learn from our prehistoric past, proto-history and documented history to regain our “own” self and identity.  From the wisdom of our primitive social relationships we can conceptualize development that upholds equality and forge a society free from patriarchy and ecology friendly.
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