It isn’t that there’s no energy afoot in the world. On any given day on any continent, one can see anti-government riots; direct actions in support of animal liberation or to protect the earth; concerted efforts to resist the building of dams, superhighways, industrial installations; prison uprisings; spontaneous outbreaks of targeted vandalism by the fed-up and pissed-off; wildcat strikes; and the energy of countless infoshops, zines, primitive skills camps, schools, and gatherings; radical reading groups, Food Not Bombs, etc. The list of oppositional acts and alternative projects is very considerable.
Continue reading THE LEFT? NO THANKS! by John Zerzan
Tag Archives: 2014
Letters from Kevan Thakrar from the isolation units of England (UK)
March 17
A secret world exists within the high security prison estate in England, known as the Close Supervision Centre (CSC) system. It is notorious amongst the few who know of it, a place only the most unfortunate men ever see. Reports of serious mistreatment and torture are routine from the victims detained within the CSC, but almost nothing is ever done about the biggest demonstration of inhumanity to take place in this country.
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Eco-Prisoner Rebecca Rubin Released!
Rebecca Rubin has been released and moved into a halfway house! Sentenced in 2014 to five years in federal prison for numerous Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front actions—including the arsons of Vail Ski Resort and US Forest Industries, as well as liberating horses from and burning down BLM Wild Horse Facilities in California and Oregon—Rebecca is out of prison almost a year and a half before an expected release date of September, 2017. Glad you’re out, Rebecca!
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ABC-Belarus stickers 2014
[Brochure] Des écrits et des communiqués en solidarité avec Mónica Caballero et Francisco Solar
Reçu le 13 mars :
Cette brochure est publiée à la suite de celle intitulée « Jusqu’à détruire la dernière des cages », publiée aux alentours de mars 2014, toujours disponible en papier, et consultable sur internet sur divers sites anarchistes.
NoMuos. Stupido, di un Turi Vaccaro sei finito ancora una volta in carcere…
Mentre “la Cassazione ha dichiarato il MUOS pericoloso per la salute”, hanno arrestato nuovamente TURI VACCARO 62enne pacifista catanese, al termine di una protesta “No Muos” svoltasi davanti alla base americana. E’ accusato di resistenza a pubblico ufficiale e danneggiamento di un’automobile del commissariato di Gela, perché si era sdraiato sul sedile posteriore dell’auto della polizia e con i piedi aveva sfondato il finestrino dello sportello
Continue reading NoMuos. Stupido, di un Turi Vaccaro sei finito ancora una volta in carcere…
Hans Niemeyer – Requiem for the Passing Moon (pdf) 2014
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Contra los Jueces
Contra los Jueces
(El discurso anarquista en sede judicial)
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