Tag Archives: A.M. Bonanno



A.M. Bonanno

In a climate such as that which prevails at the present time, with its general disenchantment and restoration of the absolute values of competition and capitalist efficientism, the demonstration of voluntary workers that took place in Rome recently shows, if nothing else, that there are still people around who represent the values of solidarity and equality. It is precisely this aspect, utopian in the better sense of the word, that attracts many young people to an involvement which if, on the one hand makes them feel better as it gives them a ‘different’ projectuality, on the other involuntarily makes them the accomplices of an overall project of power which needs them in order to complete itself in every aspect.



Note to the first edition

This book was written in two weeks. In beginning the work I refused absolutely the assistance of my usual instruments of research (books, reviews, notes). Everything contained in this book can be considered as something similar to a discussion between friends, without any doctrinal or scientific employment. The rare citations are quite ‘off the cuff’ and have been left as they are as they were written the first time. The reader is heartily asked to bear this warning in mind.

Introduction to 1989

Anarquismo y lucha de liberación nacional (A.M. Bonanno)


El anarquismo es internacionalista, su lucha no se confina a sí misma a una región o un área del mundo, sino que se extiende a todos los lugares donde el proletariado lucha por su propia liberación. Esto requiere una declaración de principios que no sean ni vagos ni abstractos, sino concretos y bien definidos. No estamos interesados en un humanismo universal que encuentra su origen y justificación en la Revolución Francesa de la burguesía en 1789. La Declaración de los Derechos del Hombre, bandera ondeada por todos los gobiernos democráticos actualmente en el poder, se refiere a un hombre abstracto identificado con el ideal burgués.
Continue reading Anarquismo y lucha de liberación nacional (A.M. Bonanno)



The era of opposing sides is over, we have now entered that of unification. We are all enlisted under the same flag. If once the world was orientated towards two opposing illusions, which on close inspection turned out to be anything but divergent, now everybody is being called to unite under the same common verb. Enough of the chatter! A few words, clear and unequivocal, will do. Everybody knows what they need to do and what they should be interested in.

Why Insurrection


OUR TASK as anarchists, our main preoccupation and greatest desire, is that of seeing the social revolution realized: terrible upheaval of men and institutions which finally succeeds in putting an end to exploitation and establishing the reign of justice.
For we anarchists the revolution is our guide, our constant point of reference, no matter what we are doing or what problem we are concerned with. The anarchy we want will not be possible without the painful revolutionary break. If we want to avoid turning this into simply a dream we must struggle to destroy the State and exploiters through revolution.
Continue reading Why Insurrection

Internazionalismo pratico


Alfredo M. Bonanno
Il capitale, nelle sue molteplici espressioni, sia a livello di formazione economico-sociale, sia a livello di progettualità repressiva e di controllo, si estende su tutta la superficie del globo, nessun piccolo recesso geografico escluso. Ciò comporta, com’è ormai comunemente accettato, un processo relazionale costante, nel senso che non c’è azione, qui, in questa parte del mondo, che non si possa porre, e di fatto non si ponga, in relazione con le situazioni di tutte le altri parti del mondo. Ciò determina conseguenze, spesso non visibili a livello immediato, ma che si insinuano nei rapporti del capitale e ne modificano i processi.

Continue reading Internazionalismo pratico

Bergamo June 20 1989


June 20 1989

We are speaking out to say a number of things about our case, few but clear.
We were arrested here in Bergamo on February 2 during an attempted robbery in a jeweller’s shop in the town centre. Taken to police headquarters we were immediately charged with robbery and, a few hours later, when they finally discovered our names, they informed us that due to our being anarchists they intended to ‘fit us up’ by charging us with other robberies and a murder.

While we were held by the police we were also given the usual treatment of being beaten up for a number of hours, but we do not want to insist on this ‘torture’ here as we have no intention of adopting a victimistic position.

We declared that we had attempted the robbery exclusively for personal reasons, in a word because we did not have jobs and needed the money.

Finally we stated that we are anarchists and revolutionaries.

Carrying on with the frame up that they had announced right from the start, two Bergamo judges are now accusing us of a robbery with murder that took place in that town on April 7 1987, and another robbery, still in Bergamo, on March 9 1985; and things might even not stop there. Needless to say we have nothing to do with these other robberies or the murder.

These new and quite unfounded accusations that have been made against us as forecast by the head of the Bergamo flying squad are intended to strike us because we are anarchists.

At this point it seems obvious that the intention of the police and judiciary is to strike all our revolutionary work and our involvement in the social struggle over the past years.

We have seen that a divergence of opinions has developed in the anarchist movement concerning this case, when not simply a convenient silence. We obviously maintain the thesis of those who say that when anarchists ‘need money they go and take it’, and in fact that is what we tried to do. But now it seems to us that, as was foreseeable, the problem has moved away from that aspect.

Now things are clear: we are now accused of offences that carry life sentences, because we are anarchists. They want to make us pay for our anarchist activity, accusing us of things we have nothing to do with.

We are not afraid. We are proud to confirm our anarchist militancy loud and clear both before the state and in the face of all those who in the name of a misplaced respectability want to have us buried.

Alfredo M. Bonanno

Pippo Stasi

Il dominio del mondo in poche parole


Aldremo M. Bonanno

Finita l’epoca della contrapposizione siamo entrati in quella dell’unificazione. Tutti assoldati sotto la stessa bandiera. Se una volta il mondo si orientava verso due opposte illusioni, che poi a ben vedere risultavano tutt’altro che divergenti fra loro, adesso, da ogni parte, si sentono sollecitazioni per unificarsi sotto il medesimo verbo comune. Basta con le chiacchiere: poche parole, chiare e definitive. Ognuno sappia quello che deve fare e di che cosa deve interessarsi.
Continue reading Il dominio del mondo in poche parole