We are happy to share with everyone an interview with Manchester Hunt Sabs! With the growing opposition to hunts in North America around government culls, and the recent rise in organized hunting, they spoke with us to share some tips and information about hunt sabbing, and how people can keep up the fight to defend the wild in their own backyards!
Continue reading Between the Hunters and the Wild: An Interview with Manchester Hunt Sabs
Tag Archives: ALF
Repression against animal liberation comrades in Skövde (Sweden)
Late 14th and early 15th of October 2013, five comrades were arrested and imprisoned in Skövde, Sweden, suspected for over twenty different attacks on furfarmers and the fur industry as well as liberations of minks. Three of the comrades were later considered to be main suspects and the two others were released, however still being suspects. Close upon the trial startup end of January, yet another person was detained for involvement in some of the suspected attacks but this person was also released, still being a suspect.
Continue reading Repression against animal liberation comrades in Skövde (Sweden)
Jornadas Especistas @ Izar Beltz Ateneoa
Jornadas de Liberacion Animal y ¡¡Falafest!! – Salamanca
Blackmail3 Court Case Update (UK)
News, events and important upcoming dates related to the case.
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Entrevista Completa al compañero John Curtis,(realizada durante octubre del 2006)
“John CurtinJohn Curtin es una de las personas que estuvieron implicadas en campañas, manifestaciones y acciones directas contra la explotación animal en Inglaterra durante los años 80s y 90s, aquí presentamos una entrevista hecha por Rabia y Acción y traducida con la ayuda de Acción Vegana.”
La destrucción del orden establecido por medio de sabotajes contra la explotación animal, el inmenso numero de animales rescatados directamente de los centros de tortura desde los 70`s han seguido su curso ¿Cómo ves tu hasta hoy, la eficacia que han tenido los grupos que deciden enfrentar de cara al especismo en el mundo?
Continue reading Entrevista Completa al compañero John Curtis,(realizada durante octubre del 2006)
Animal Liberation Forum 2014, March 21-22 in Long Beach, CA
JOIN US! For the fifth annual Animal Liberation Forum, a two day FREE event dedicated to the animals!
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Propuestas para un manifiesto antiespecista. Interesante aporte desde Italia, dejando en claro la posición política y rumbo a tomar en el movimiento antiespecista. + (Veganzetta giornale)
Se difundirá en formato papel durante las Jornadas antiespecistas:
Propuestas para un manifiesto antiespecista.
Continue reading Propuestas para un manifiesto antiespecista. Interesante aporte desde Italia, dejando en claro la posición política y rumbo a tomar en el movimiento antiespecista. + (Veganzetta giornale)
E’ uscito il 4° numero di FENRIR, pubblicazione anarchica ecologista
ALF Activists Jailed in 1980s Appealing Convictions Due to Police Involvement
The Animal Liberation Front, protesting against the fur trade, claimed responsibility for fires at the Debenhams stores in Luton (pictured), Harrow and Romford
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