Bristol ABC are supporting with an information evening & workshop exploring Resilience to Repression. There will be talks about the repression of the animal liberation movement over the last 8 years, including the upcoming trial of the ‘Blackmail 3‘. These talks will be followed by a workshop exploring what can be learnt from this examples of repression and how can we be more resilient in the years ahead. There will be tea and cake available from 6.30pm, with a 7pm st
Tag Archives: ALF
Debbie’s trial begins at Winchester Crown Court. Expected to last about 6 weeks.
Our good friend and comrade Debbie is one of the Blackmail 3 defendants (
Continue reading Debbie’s trial begins at Winchester Crown Court. Expected to last about 6 weeks.
Azione diretta e liberazione animale: serata benefit Cassa Aracnide
“Le Fiamme della Vittoria”, Rod Coronado intervista Melanie Arnold
Da oggi proponiamo una nuova categoria del blog : “articoli e traduzioni”.
Nel corso della storia di questo movimento si sono prodotti innumerevoli documenti, riviste, fanzine o newsletters, a loro volta piene di articoli, interviste ed analisi. Molto di quanto fatto è stato perso, molto altro viene recuperato e digitalizzato, nel tentativo di dare nuova vita a quelle pubblicazioni, a non perderne l’importante contributo e fondamentale testimonianza.
Continue reading “Le Fiamme della Vittoria”, Rod Coronado intervista Melanie Arnold
Palabras de lucha, por Rod Coronado
Hace once años estuve en el mayor laboratorio de investigación peletera, en la universidad estatal de Oregón. No estaba ahí para encadenarme y mucho menos para hacer una petición. Mis guerrerxs y yo estábamos ahí para quemar el edificio hasta convertirlo en cenizas. Durante el año y medio anterior había visitado granjas por todo el país recabando información sobre las condiciones en que estaban los visones, zorros, linces, gatos salvajes y chinchillas, y sobre una industria que lleva haciendo una guerra genocida contra la vida salvaje desde hace más de 400 años.
Continue reading Palabras de lucha, por Rod Coronado
Stellungnahme zur aktuellen Berichterstattung über den LKA-Spitzeleinsatz des Ralf Gross’
Mit großem Interesse haben wir die Medienberichterstattung über die Enttarnung der V-Person Ralf Gross, die sich in Zusammenhänge der Tierbefreiungsbewegung einschleichen konnte, verfolgt. Die breite – in der Tendenz kritische – Öffentlichkeit zu dem Thema hat uns gefreut und wir hoffen durch die Veröffentlichung tiefgreifendere Debatten angeregt zu haben.
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Demonstration gegen den Pelzverkauf bei Bogner am 07.02.2014
Demonstration gegen den Pelzverkauf bei Bogner am 07.02.2014
Continue reading Demonstration gegen den Pelzverkauf bei Bogner am 07.02.2014
My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys
An Interview with Rod Coronado (2003)
The inspiring Native American earth warrior and animal liberationist Rod Coronado paid a visit to Brighton a little while back. Finally free to speak after years on the run, in prison and then with parole conditions banning him from engaging in any political activity, he made the best of it by going on a speaking tour around the UK. He managed to spare some time out of his schedule for a chat with Do or Die…
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Jornadas antiespecistas en Barcelona, el 15 y 16 de Marzo próximos!.
Jornadas antiespecistas 2014:
El 15 y 16 de Marzo
Nos alegra anunciar que ya están confirmadas nuestras próximas jornadas antiespecistas que haremos de nuevo en la Casa de la Solidaritat (C/Vistalegre 15, Barcelona).
Nuevo año, nuevo mail!
Rebecca Rubin sentenced to 5 years for ALF & ELF arsons
After 7 years on the run, an ALF saboteur is sentenced for freeing horses, more.
After turning herself in in 2012 following 7 years on the run, and pleading guilty last October, this week Rebecca Rubin was sentenced to 5 years in federal prison. The sentence is much less than the 7.5 years the government was requesting.
Continue reading Rebecca Rubin sentenced to 5 years for ALF & ELF arsons