Tag Archives: Antifa

Wü – Aufruf zur Nachttanzdemo und anderen Aktionen


Es ist 2016. Das Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs liegt nun 71 Jahre zurück und faschistische Gedanken werden wieder offener geäußert. Seit vorletztem Herbst zeigt sich auch auf den Straßen und in den Parlamenten wieder deutlich wie tief verwurzelt Antisemitismus, Nationalismus und Rassismus in der deutschen Gesellschaft sind. Genau in dem Land, das für die schlimmsten Verbrechen der Menschheitsgeschichte verantwortlich ist, gehen Zehntausende mit ihrer Fahne auf die Straße und hetzen hemmungslos gegen alles, was nicht in ihr deutsches, kleinbürgerliches, faschistoides Weltbild passt.
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Why is a Fascist Publishing House Releasing Books by Goldman, Berkman, and Kropotkin?


For anyone that has been looking at the problem of creeping fascism in the U.S. and Europe, National-Anarchism has become an entryist tool for the far right to move into otherwise far-left anarchist movements. National-Anarchism, a term coined by nationalist activist Troy Southgate, sees a form of “anarchism” where autonomous communities are created on the basis of things like race, ideology, or sexual orientation. Generally, they mix deep ecology and some post-left and anti-state politics with ultra-conservative social views, racial separatism, and a violent anti-Semitism. They attempt to appropriate anarchist symbols, organizing styles, and social structures, and you’ll often see them attempt to join in the black block at protests. There have been incidents over the years in the United States with National-Anarchist organizations attempting to gain entry into anarchist projects. The National Anarchist Tribal Alliance(NATA) of New York has made a fuss after being kicked out of the New York Anarchist Bookfair, as well as the now-defunct Bay Area National Anarchist(BANA) being booted out of San Francisco based events and attacked at actions. BANA tried to make a name for itself protesting the movie Machete, saying that it was anti-white, as well as protesting immigration and doing talks on the importance of “tribe.” Several National-Anarchists have joined things like the Traditionalist Youth Network and the Traditionalist Workers Party in California, joining together with classic Christian racists like Matthew Heimbach and Matt Parrot to develop a violent anti-immigrant movement.
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