The well-regulated normality of social life within systems of power is not the product of a one-dimensional strategic perception that follows a determined path, but on the contrary it’s the totality of many well-thought and tested logics, tactics and practices. It’s a fact that power would not be what it is today, had it not been in a constant process of self-evolution covering previous deficiencies and weaknesses in the management of social tolerance of its followers. It is not accidental that there have been and continue to appear entire political and philosophical currents that examine the necessity of power structures within human societies. Through the constant appearance of experiments, studies and dissertations, a series of political and scientific think-tanks arm the hand of power with more and more specialized methods that ensure social tolerance.
Continue reading International call by C.C.F. for the campaign Fuck Nations- Squat the World
Tag Archives: Argyrou Panayiotis
Greece: Text of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for the Court of Appeal (en/es)
On the 20th of April starts the second grade trial not only for the C.C.F. Case and some of its actions, but also for some other different cases of anarchists accused for actions of revolutionary violence. All these cases were attached to each other in a single trial, in order to serve many different and parallel judiciary manipulations against all those accused.
Continue reading Greece: Text of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for the Court of Appeal (en/es)
Greece: Text written by the comrade on hunger strike Panagiotis Argyrou
Today, 24/3, I am on the 23rd day of hunger strike until death, along with my other comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and anarchist comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou, in order for the mother of my comrades Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the wife of the latter to be released, who have been in custody for three weeks, under the completely ridiculous and groundless allegations of participation in our organization.
Continue reading Greece: Text written by the comrade on hunger strike Panagiotis Argyrou
Greece: Update on the comrade Panagiotis Argyrou (en/es/it)
In the morning, yesterday (17/3), comrade Panagiotis Argyrou (hunger striker since 2/3 – member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire), suffered a fainting episode. He was transferred to “St. Paul” prison hospital, where after being diagnosed with low sugar, his hospitalization in a hospital outside prison was deemed necessary thus he was transferred with an ambulance escorted by cops to “Attico” hospital.
Continue reading Greece: Update on the comrade Panagiotis Argyrou (en/es/it)
Greece: Telephone contact with the comrades Panagiotis Argyrou and Christos Tsakalos
On Wednesday 7pm and Sunday 7pm, the self-organized internet radio “Radiofragmata“ will broadcast recordedconversations (in greek) with the comrades Christos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argyrou, imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.
Radio broadcast with the comrades P. Argyrou and O. Economidou
On Thursday 3th of March, on 4:00 pm, on 105fm radio station, there will be contact (in greek) with the comrades Panagiotis Argyrou and Olga Economidou from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, from the male and female wards of Korydallos prison, respectively. They will talk about the demonstrations taking place in prisons, against the new draft of Ministry of Justice, as well as, about the perspective that can be given in their fight for the final abolition of the institution of prison.
Un piccolo contributo dai membri prigionieri della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco sulla Solidarietà (2011) it/gr
Tratto da
testo originale, in greco, pubblicato il 6 aprile:
Fino a che giunga il giorno, restiamo con la testa in alto…
Continue reading Un piccolo contributo dai membri prigionieri della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco sulla Solidarietà (2011) it/gr
Dichiarazione politica dei 9 prigionieri della CCF nel contesto del Caso Halandri (2012)
trad. tomo / cenere
i) L’“innocenza” della vittima e la “colpa” del “cacciatore”
Declaración política de Panagiotis Argyrou (Conspiración de Células de Fuego)
Panagiotis Argyrou fue arrestado el 1 de noviembre de 2010 en Atenas junto con Gerasimos Tsakalos durante la acción del envío de paquetes incendiarios. Ambos compañeros asumieron la pertenencia a Conspiración de Células del Fuego. Panagiotis estaba en busca y captura desde octubre de 2009, acusado de formar parte de CCF, mientras que también tiene una causa pendiente por quema de un autobús de transporte publico. Desde 17 de enero, junto a otrxs 8 personas, está juzgado en el primer juicio contra CCF, el del llamado caso Halandri. En una protesta contra las condiciones en que se realiza dicho juicio junto a otros 3 acusados abandonó la sala ya en finales del enero y desde entonces no se presentó ahí. La siguiente declaración publicó hace una semana. Recordamos que las sentencias sean dictadas el 19 de julio.
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CCF – Declaración política de Panagiotis Argyrou (greece-2011)
Panagiotis Argyrou quedó arrestado el 1 de noviembre de 2010 en Atenas junto con Gerasimos Tsakalos durante la acción del envío de paquetes incendiarios. Ambos compañeros asumieron la pertenencia a Conspiración de Células del Fuego. Panagiotis estaba en busca y captura desde octubre de 2009, acusado de formar parte de CCF, mientras que también tiene una causa pendiente por quema de un autobús de transporte publico. Desde 17 de enero, junto a otrxs 8 personas, está juzgado en el primer juicio contra CCF, el del llamado caso Halandri. En una protesta contra las condiciones en que se realiza dicho juicio junto a otros 3 acusados abandonó la sala ya en finales del enero y desde entonces no se presentó ahí. La siguiente declaración publicó hace una semana. Recordamos que las sentencias sean dictadas el 19 de julio.
Continue reading CCF – Declaración política de Panagiotis Argyrou (greece-2011)