We don’t expect anything from this society anymore. What it imposes on us disgusts us; what it offers us doesn’t interest us. We don’t want to submit anymore to the routines of work just for a few crumbs in exchange for our obedience; we don’t want our only dreams to be whatever television shows us.
Continue reading Rip off the existant (en/it/fr/de) 2010
Tag Archives: belgium
[Poster] Prisons in revolt, neighbourhoods in tension, the exploited are angry – let’s ATTACK on all fronts
Prisons in revolt, neighbourhoods in tension, the exploited are angry –
“Locked up like rats. The hygiene is deplorable, it stinks in the cells.” Since the beginning of the strike of the guards, which has lasted 13 days, the prisoners have not been out of their cells.
“No showers, no yard, no visits, no activities, sometimes not even food or medicine. There are some who fall ill, who get infections, who go crazy. Buried alive, 24 out of 24, left to rot.”
Ai ribelli di qui e di altrove
Difficilmente le parole riescono ad afferrare una realtà, i sentimenti e i desideri superano sempre quanto ci offre un vocabolario. Tuttavia, è di vitale interesse parlare, tentare di esprimere ciò che pensiamo e che proviamo. Ancor più in momenti in cui il terrore dello Stato e delle sue forze dell’ordine cerca di ammutolire tutti.
Continue reading MALGRADO TUTTO
Attacchiamo su tutti i fronti
Belgio: prigioni in rivolta, quartieri sotto tensione, sfruttati in collera…
Belgium – A small chronology of the riots spreading the Belgian prisons, where guards are on strike for more than two weeks now…
On Monday 25th of April, the prison guards of all prisons in the French speaking parts of Belgium went on strike, in total 21 prisons. The prisoners are confined in their cells. All activities, like the walk, shower, visit, legal counsel, are canceled. The police took over the control of the prisons to assure security.
After one week of guards on strike, and with conditions rapidly deteriorating inside, incidents start to spread in many prisons. In some prisons, the situation could be called catastrophic. Prisoners only receive food once a day, didn’t go out of their cells in more than ten days, hygienic conditions are terrible with infections and diseases spreading.
May 3. In the prison of Tournai, tensions rise and prisoners start to destroy cells.
Continue reading Belgium – A small chronology of the riots spreading the Belgian prisons, where guards are on strike for more than two weeks now…
Belgian prisons in revolt, the State sends the army inside
A small chronology of the riots spreading the Belgian prisons, where guards are on strike for more than two weeks now…
On Monday 25th of April, the prison guards of all prisons in the French speaking parts of Belgium went on strike, in total 21 prisons. The prisoners are confined in their cells. All activities, like the walk, shower, visit, legal counsel, are cancelled. The police took over the control of the prisons to assure security.
Continue reading Belgian prisons in revolt, the State sends the army inside
Brussels – About the forthcoming antiterrorist trial against anarchists and anti-authoritarians in Belgium – PDF
Prisons en émeute, quartiers sous tension,…
Prisons en émeute, quartiers sous tension, exploités en colère…
« On est enfermés comme des rats. L’hygiène est déplorable, ça pue dans les cellules. » Depuis le début de la grève des gardiens, qui dure depuis 13 jours, les détenus ne sortent plus de leurs cellules. Pas de douches, pas de préau, pas de visites, pas d’activités, parfois même pas de repas ni de médicaments. Il y en a qui tombent malades, qui attrapent des infections, qui pètent les plombs. Enterrés vivants, 24h sur 24, on les laisse pourrir.
Continue reading Prisons en émeute, quartiers sous tension,…
[Brussels – Belgio] Se lottare per la libertà è un crimine, l’innocenza è il peggiore di tutti, sul processo per terrorismo contro 12 compagni anarchici
Riguardo l’imminente processo anti-terrorismo contro anarchici ed anti-autoritari in Belgio.
Nel tardo 2008, in mezzo alla diffusa ostilità scatenata dalla rivolta in Grecia in seguito all’assassinio di Alexis da parte della polizia, la Magistratura Federale Belga lancia un’indagine sugli anarchici e gli anti-autoritari.
Continue reading [Brussels – Belgio] Se lottare per la libertà è un crimine, l’innocenza è il peggiore di tutti, sul processo per terrorismo contro 12 compagni anarchici
The terrorist is the State and its contenders , Active solidarity ! – BRUSSELS
This Tuesday, May 10, 2016, the Council Chamber will decide whether they consider it opportune to go ahead and hold a trial for terrorism against 12 anarchists and anti-authoritarians.
From 2008 to 2014, the Belgian State has conducted an extensive investigation into the multi-form struggles, but always off the beaten track, against detention centres, borders, prisons and the world based on authority and exploitation.
Continue reading The terrorist is the State and its contenders , Active solidarity ! – BRUSSELS