Tag Archives: belgium

opération “Cendres” (fr/it)


Bruxelles – Le 22 mai 2013 vers 6h du matin, des dizaines de policiers de la section anti-terroriste de la police fédérale judiciaire investissent et perquisitionnent 3 domiciles où habitent notamment des compagnons anarchistes et anti-autoritaires ainsi que la bibliothèque anarchiste Acrata. Toutes les personnes présentes (11) sont arrêtées et emmenées aux bureaux de la police fédérale.
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Un braquage de banque, quelques anarchistes et le choix pour la révolte


Jeudi 21 novembre à 19H30



1 février 2013, Kozani (Grèce). Deux banques sont braqués simultanément. Après une course-poursuite, quatre anarchistes sont arrêtés. Quelques jours plus tard, les compagnons écrivent une lettre pour expliquer leur choix d’avoir tenté d’exproprier ces deux banques. Deux autres mandats d’arréstation sont lancés par la police.
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War, catastrophe, democracy, prison. We want revolution (en/it/fr/de)


In a time when words seem to lose their meaning, when the language of power tries to penetrate all our conversations, we think it is even more indispensable to make an effort in order to speak clearly. Let’s stop parroting what the newspapers say, television shows and the powerful want us to believe. The point is neither to agree at all costs nor to convert everything, but it is to try to speak with our mouth, our words, our pains and our hopes.


War… or revolution
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Affinità, organizzazione informale e progetti insurrezionali

Perché tornare sulle questioni dell’affinità e dell’organizzazione informale? Di certo non perché manchino i tentativi di esplorare e approfondire questi aspetti dell’anarchismo, perché le discussioni di ieri come di oggi non ne siano in parte ispirate, o non esistano testi che abbordano tali questioni magari in maniera più dinamica. Ma certi concetti esigono senza dubbio uno sforzo analitico e critico permanente, se non vogliono perdere il loro significato a furia di essere frequentemente usati e ripetuti.
Continue reading Arcipelago

A difficult subject (en/it/es/fr)


A difficult subject, yes. A subject that can rapidly turn towards a polemic, sterile or otherwise. But that is not the goal. Neither is this an existential questioning, a “Who are we”, or a “Who am I”. I want to discuss about the anarchist movement the way I know it, that means the movement of today, although I can imagine that these mechanisms apply to other times or perhaps outside the anarchist movement.
Continue reading A difficult subject (en/it/es/fr)