Tag Archives: CCF

Αφίσα για την δίκη για το σχέδιο απόδρασης των μελών της Συνομωσίας Πυρήνων της Φωτιάς


Καμία δίωξη στους συγγενείς των Αναρχικών συντρόφων μας.

Αλληλεγγύη και δύναμη στον απεργό πείνας Fabio Dusko, να σταματήσει το ειδικό καθεστώς κράτησής του.

Άμεση μεταφορά των έγκλειστων αναρχικών συντρόφων μας ,που βρίσκονται σε ειδικά διαμορφωμένες πτέρυγες απομόνωσης, σε ¨κανονικές πτέρυγες¨ όπου θα μπορούν να είναι μαζί με τους υπόλοιπους συντρόφους τους.


Grecia. Urgente: Fuego en prisión de Koridallos


Fire now at Korydallos Prison in the area where political prisoners and Golden Dawn are being held to stop F.Dousko’s solitary confinement.


Información aparecida hoy 28 de abril en la página web “Indimedia Atenas” y el blog anarquista “Mpalothia” indica que se habría iniciado fuego en el módulo masculino de la prisión de mujeres de Koridallos.
Continue reading Grecia. Urgente: Fuego en prisión de Koridallos

Bucharest, Romania: Solidarity banner with anarchist prisoners accused in the CCF case in Greece


(”Solidarity with the 22 anarchists from Greece who are tried for the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire case for their struggle against state and capitalism”)

On April 23rd, the day for international solidarity with the anarchist prisoners who are tried for the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire case, a group of comrades hanged a banner in Cișmigiu Park, Bucharest.

in Greek

[Folleto] Grecia – “Para el espacio anarquista”, por la Conspiración de Células del Fuego


Ahora, lxs compañerxs de Ediciones Internacional Negra envían la versión en castellano editada en un folleto para su descarga y difusión, cuyo enlace os dejo a continuación junto al texto de presentación recibido.
Continue reading [Folleto] Grecia – “Para el espacio anarquista”, por la Conspiración de Células del Fuego

Greece: Text of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for the Court of Appeal (en/es)


On the 20th of April starts the second grade trial not only for the C.C.F. Case and some of its actions, but also for some other different cases of anarchists accused for actions of revolutionary violence. All these cases were attached to each other in a single trial, in order to serve many different and parallel judiciary manipulations against all those accused.
Continue reading Greece: Text of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for the Court of Appeal (en/es)

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Our trials will turn into a conviction of the State (Greece)


(For the April 20th court of appeal).

“The distance that separates freedom from slavery… is boldness…”

On April 20th, at Korydallos prison, the Court of Appeal for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire begins.

We’re on trial for the explosive device found at the house in Halandri (“Halandri” case), for the bombings of the former Interior Minister P. Hinofotis’s house (he worked in the army during the years of the Junta), of the home of the ex-deputy and current president of the Bank of Greece L.Katseli and the bombing of the Macedonia-Thrace Ministry, on the eve of the Thessaloniki International Fair.

We are also accused of sending parcel bombs to embassies, international police-judicial institutions (Eurojust-Europol), as well as to Chancellor[Angela] Merkel, to the Prime Minister of Italy (at that time) media mogul Berlusconi and to racist ex-French President Sarkozy.

Finally, we’re on trial for aggravated gun possession and for the scuffle with cops in Pefki.

All these are some snapshots of the action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. We’ve openly claimed responsibility and defend all of our actions, as we are convinced that one cannot gain the world neither with prayers nor with curses.

It’s not only the members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and other anarchists for other cases that go on trial on April 20th, BUT the option of the urban guerrilla in total.

In fact, what’s on trial is the option of armed struggle against the murderous machine of power.

Today, anyone who does not understand the necessity of armed anarchist action against the tyrants of our life, is either extremely naive or a cop.

All those who roll the dice with our lives in the stock markets, the central banks, the international meetings of power, are not going to give up their offices and their wealth because we politely ask them to do so… The only language they understand is fear.

Our voices and ideas are more powerful when they come from the barrel of a gun…

Enough with tolerating the scarecrows of the power mocking us as they speak of “democracy”, “freedom” and “rights.”

If you want to understand what all of them think do not listen to their words… just look at their pockets…

They are the same ones who have imposed a murderous financial dictatorship strangling our life every day, pushing some people to resignment and others to suicide.

They are the same ones who send armies and turn whole countries into mass graves favoring the interests of oil and multinational corporations.

They are the same ones who run the propaganda and the spectacle which is turning lies into the truth, life as digital fakeness and happiness in mobile phone accessories.

No peaceful protest, no left wing illusion is going to overturn power from its throne.

The question that often sounds like a dirge “and how is the world going to change?” is crappy, defeatist and cowardly… Anyone who wants to change her life and the world, gets armed and becomes the answer.

On April 20th the judicial Inquisition wants to elicit from us, a sign of remorse, a sign of truce…

We were locked in cells, they moved us into the isolation section, they arrested and imprisoned our relatives, we are being on trial inside the prisons BUT we’re not going to be at peace with death and subjugation…

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire will be reconstructed and will be back on the attack…

“The ugliness of power has been analyzed and interpreted by every generation and every aspect… What is happening today does not need further analysis, it needs actions…”


The members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

Olga Economidou

Giorgos Polydoros

Christos Tsakalos

Gerasimos Tsakalos

*Translated by A-politiko as a minimal form of solidarity to our comrades, for the solidarity day on April 23rd.


Δίκη express στην υπόθεση της ΣΠΦ για το σχέδιο απόδρασης


Στις 31 Μαρτίου στο δικαστήριο για το σχέδιο απόδρασης της ΣΠΦ που προεδρεύει η Α. Υφαντή φάνηκε ξεκάθαρα για άλλη μια φορά ότι οι αποφάσεις των εν λόγω «ειδικών δικαστηρίων» είναι προειλημμένες και η «διαδικασία» αυθαίρετη: οι δικονομικές αρχές που οι ίδιοι έχουν θεσπίσει για να διασφαλίσουν δήθεν «το κύρος» και «την αμεροληψία» του συστήματος παραβιάζονται κατά το δοκούν.
Continue reading Δίκη express στην υπόθεση της ΣΠΦ για το σχέδιο απόδρασης

Dark Nights #46 : ‘Chaotic Variables’ by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell (ACN)


‘A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform’
by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell

Dark Nights #46

The text comprises a proposal for continued informal coordination and includes an analysis of the Black December experiment, in printable Dark Nights format. The text just missed our deadline for April’s version and so gets an issue all to itself… print & distribute…

Long live the black international!


dark nights

Grecia: lettera della compagna prigioniera Aggeliki Spyropoulou


SENZA ALCUN SEGNO DI RIMORSO – Lettera della compagna prigioniera Aggeliki Spyropoulou

Quest’esperienza è l’inizio di un percorso di sviluppo individuale di tipo sia personale che politico. La prigionia è un’esperienza quasi inevitabile per chiunque abbia deciso di abbracciare la lotta armata. Ma la questione, come avviene per ogni esperienza, è se e come trarne vantaggio.
Continue reading Grecia: lettera della compagna prigioniera Aggeliki Spyropoulou