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Update on anarchist comrade Marco Camenisch: provocation and transfer (en/pt)



Recently (from 15th to 20th May) Marco Camenisch was put in the bunker cell in the prison of Lenzburg (Switzerland) in solitary confinement after refusing to do yet another urine test; yet another provocation

. Soon he will be transferred to another prison in the Zugo Canton. It’s not known yet whether the transfer is in retaliation for Marco’s refusing to do a urine test or whether it had already been planned by the Amt fur Justizvollzug (Office for Execution Penalties and Measures) of Zurich.

Marco’s release date is 8.5.2018. He is still being refused early release on the grounds of his alleged ‘chronic violence’ associated with delinquent vision that he would have of the world.

This is the address we have at the moment: Marco Camenisch Strafanstalt Bostadel Postfach 38, CH-6313 Menzingen, Schweiz Tel. +41 41 757 1919, Fax +41 41 757 1900

Updates to follow



Suiça: Atualização sobre o prisioneiro anarquista Marco Camenisch

Desde 15 ou 16 de Maio, Marco Camenisch tem sido mantido em isolamento, durante cinco dias, na prisão de Lenzburg, Suíça, por se ter recusado a fornecer uma amostra de urina.

Em 23 de Maio de 2014, será transferido para a instituição penal Bostadel. Se a sua transferência foi ordenada por mais uma vez se ter recusado a fornecer uma amostra de urina, ou se foi planeada de antemão, (ainda) não é claro para nós.

O encarceramento de Marco está previsto terminar em 8 de Maio do ano de 2018. A libertação antecipada da prisão (“liberdade condicional”) tem sido rejeitada por causa da sua “propensão para a violência crónica” e “ideologia de promoção da delinqüência”, entre outras coisas.

Marco Camenisch

Strafanstalt Bostadel
Postfach 38, CH-6313 Menzingen, Schweiz/Suíça

Tel. +41 41 757 1919, Fax +41 41 757 1900



The Squatters’ Movement in Europe: Commons and Autonomy as Alternatives to Capitalism


The Squatters’ Movement in Europe is the first definitive guide to squatting as an alternative to capitalism. It offers a unique insider’s view on the movement – its ideals, actions and ways of life. At a time of growing crisis in Europe with high unemployment, dwindling social housing and declining living standards, squatting has become an increasingly popular option.

The book is written by an activist-scholar collective, whose members have direct experience of squatting: many are still squatters today. There are contributions from the Netherlands, Spain, the USA, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and the UK.

In an age of austerity and precarity this book shows what has been achieved by this resilient social movement, which holds lessons for policy-makers, activists and academics alike.

[EN] Out now! The Squatters’ Movement in Europe: Commons and Autonomy as Alternatives to Capitalism

Update about anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch (en/de)


Since the 15th or the 16th of May, Marco Camenisch has been held in solitary confinement for five days in the prison of Lenzburg, Switzerland, because he refused to give a urine sample.

On the 23rd of May 2014, he will be transferred to the Bostadel penal institution. Whether this was arranged because he once again refused to give a urine sample or it was planned beforehand, is (still) not clear to us.

Marco’s incarceration is expected to end on May 8th of the year 2018. His early release from prison (“conditional release”) was rejected because of “chronic propensity towards violence” and “delinquency-promoting ideology”, among other things.

Marco Camenisch

Strafanstalt Bostadel
Postfach 38
CH-6313 Menzingen, Schweiz

Tel. +41 41 757 1919
Fax +41 41 757 1900

Schweiz: Aktuelles zu Marco Camenisch

Marco Camenisch sitzt derzeit wegen einer verweigerten Urinprobe für fünf Tage im Arrest (seit dem 15. oder 16. Mai) im Knast in Lenzburg (Schweiz).

In zwei Tagen (23.5.2014) wird er in die Strafanstalt Bostadel verlegt. Ob das wegen der erneut verweigerten Urinprobe angeordnet wurde oder ob das ohnehin der Plan war, ist uns (noch) nicht klar.

Marcos Endstrafe soll am 8.5.2018 sein. Die vorzeitige Entlassung („bedingte Entlassung“) wurde u. a. wegen „chronifizierter Gewaltbereitschaft“ und „delinquenzfördernde Weltanschauung“ abgelehnt.

Marco Camenisch

Strafanstalt Bostadel
Postfach 38
CH-6313 Menzingen, Schweiz

Tel. +41 41 757 1919
Fax +41 41 757 1900




Comunicado del compañero Marco Camenisch (2008)


N. de R. Reproducimos un comunicado de Marco Camenisch, compañero irreductible, encerrado en las mazmorras de la democrática Suiza. ¡Por la libertad del compañero Marco Camenisch! ¡Por la libertad de los compañeros Marcelo Villarroel y Freddy Fuentevilla! ¡Libertad a los presos poíticos del mundo!
Comunicado huelga de hambre desde el 1 al 22 de Diciembre

Del 1 de diciembre estoy en huelga de hambre.
Continue reading Comunicado del compañero Marco Camenisch (2008)

¡Libertad a Marco Camenisch!



Aun junto a Marco Camenisch, como muchxs lo hemos estado durante todos estos años de prisión, lucha, solidaridad. Porque elegir de qué lado estar también significa, necesariamente, no abandonar a nuestrxs compañerxs y, en el contexto de las luchas, este compromiso se traduce también en no olvidar a quiénes, luchando, terminan encadenadxs.

Continue reading ¡Libertad a Marco Camenisch!