Notes: The following essays are not yet present from the original document.
Wild Sensuality – Rediscovering the Super-Abundance of Wild Nature
Child Molestation vs Child Love
A.I.D.S as a Dis-Ease
Rants: Essays and Polemics
“This book is dedicated to all Pansexual Pirates, Anarchic Adventurers, Mischievous Magicians, Chaotic Creators, Heroic Hermaphrodites, Delirious Deities, Prophetic Perverts, Orgasmic Outlaws, Androgynous Avatars, Beautiful Bandits, Erotic Elves, Demented Dreamers, Mad Moorish Mystics, Devine Dilinquents and Revelling Ranters. May your health, love and pleasure be yours always, grand creators of paradise.”
Dans de nombreuses villes des États-Unis, des anarchistes ont organisé des repas « Food Not Bombs ». Les organisateurs de ces projets expliqueront que la nourriture doit être gratuite, que personne ne devrait jamais avoir à souffrir de la faim. Certes, un sentiment honorable… auquel les anarchistes répondent de la même manière que les chrétiens, les hippies ou les gauchistes – en montant un organisme de charité. Continue reading Contre la charité – Une critique de ‘‘Food not Bombs’’→
“This book is dedicated to all Pansexual Pirates, Anarchic Adventurers, Mischievous Magicians, Chaotic Creators, Heroic Hermaphrodites, Delirious Deities, Prophetic Perverts, Orgasmic Outlaws, Androgynous Avatars, Beautiful Bandits, Erotic Elves, Demented Dreamers, Mad Moorish Mystics, Devine Dilinquents and Revelling Ranters. May your health, love and pleasure be yours always, grand creators of paradise.” Continue reading Rants, Essays and Polemics→
(Author’s note: The frequent use of quotation marks in this essay is to reinforce the idea that nature and wilderness are concepts, not actual beings.)
Nature has not always existed. It is not found in the depths of the forest, in the heart of the cougar or in the songs of the pygmies; it is found in the philosophies and image constructions of civilized human beings. Seemingly contradictory strands are woven together creating nature as an ideological construct that serves to domesticate us, to suppress and channel our expressions of wildness.
Civilization is monolithic and the civilized way of conceiving everything that is observed is also monolithic. When confronted with the myriad of beings all around, the civilized mind needs to categorize in order to feel that it is understanding (though, in fact, all it is understanding is how to make things useful to civilization). Nature is one of the most essential of civilized categories, one of the most useful in containing the wildness of human individuals and enforcing their self-identification as civilized, social beings. Continue reading Nature as Spectacle (en/es)→
“Society…1. a group of persons who have the same customs, beliefs, etc. or live under a common government and who are thought of as forming a single community… 3. all people, when thought of as forming a community in which each person is partly dependent on all the rest”.
Webster’s New World Dictionary
Nothing we “know” can be assumed to be true- none of our conceptions of the world are sacred and we would do well to question them all. Many anarchists talk about creating a “new” or “free” society. But few question the idea of society itself. The conception of society is amorphous- and so more difficult to deal with than particular aspects of it like government, religion, capitalism or technology. It is so ingrained in us that questioning it feels like questioning our very nature- which makes it all the more necessary to question it. Freeing ourselves from the character armor that represses our desires and passions may very well demand, not merely the transformation of society, but its abolition. The dictionary definitions above show society to be a single entity made up of individuals who are in a condition of (at least potential) dependency upon each other- which is to say, who are not complete in themselves. I see society as a system of relationships between beings who are acting (or being treated) as social roles in order to reproduce the system and themselves as social individuals. Continue reading The abolition of society (en/it)→
Το χάος έχει κακολογηθεί και συκοφαντηθεί πολύ. Ακόμα και πολλοί αναρχικοί αρνούνται να έχουν σχέσεις με το χάος. Έχει εξισωθεί με το φόνο και την καταστροφή. Και όμως θα έπρεπε να είναι προφανές, πως αυτή είναι η ψευδής προπαγάνδα των δυνάμεων της τάξης. Γιατί η ιστορία της επιβολής της τάξης είναι η ιστορία των πολέμων, των φόνων, των βιασμών, της καταστροφής και της καταπίεσης. Η τάξη και όχι το χάος καταστρέφει επιπόλαια, γιατί το μόνο που θέλει είναι να επιβάλλει τη μορφή της σε όλα τα όντα. Μόνο αυτοί που τολμούν να είναι ενσαρκώσεις του χάους μπορούν να αντισταθούν στη δολοφονική κυριαρχία της τάξης. Continue reading Σκοπευτές Ονείρων… : Το χάος είναι όμορφο ~ Feral Faun→
(Author’s note: The frequent use of quotation marks in this essay is to reinforce the idea that nature and wilderness are concepts, not actual beings.)
Nature has not always existed. It is not found in the depths of the forest, in the heart of the cougar or in the songs of the pygmies; it is found in the philosophies and image constructions of civilized human beings. Seemingly contradictory strands are woven together creating nature as an ideological construct that serves to domesticate us, to suppress and channel our expressions of wildness. Continue reading en/es – Nature As Spectacle: by Feral Faun→