Tag Archives: france

Cantine Infotour en Soutien à l’Anarchist Black Cross Biélorusse lille



Passage de l’infotour de l’ABC Minsk/Moscou.

- Cantine Vegan
- Présentation de la situation politique en Biélorussie
- Partage d’expérience sur l’antirépression et la solidarité
- Présentation de la semaine de la solidarité avec les prisonierEs anarchistes

[Prix Libre]



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Mouvement anarchiste et antirépression en Biélorussie




Vendredi 18 avril 2014, à 19h30 au Transfo :

Cette année, l’Anarchist Black Cross Belarus fait une tournée d’information en Europe. Nous avons plusieurs objectifs. Nous voulons présenter la semaine de solidarité avec les prisonnierEs anarchistes qui aura lieu fin août 2014. C’est le projet de plusieurs groupes ABC européens qui veulent unir leur efforts pour soutenir nos camarades en prison.
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Calais: Sudanese jungle evicted by the police (en/fr)



This morning at around 6am, as the sun came up, the camp known as the Sudanese jungle was evicted by the police. Following a tip off received this week suggesting the camp would be evicted and after speaking to the community who lived there, people in the camp and of the no borders collective were there doing morning watch.
Continue reading Calais: Sudanese jungle evicted by the police (en/fr)

12 i 13 d’abril: Jornades contra la presó i contra el desenvolupament. CSOA l’Horta (Valencia)


Aquest cap de setmana tenim preparades al CSOA l’Horta dues jornades, el dissabte 12 les companyes de Tokata han organitzat una xerrada de Nais Contra a Impunidade a les 17h, amb motiu de les 15 processades per “injuriar” als picoletos al indagar en la causa de la mort de Diego Viña als calabossos de la Guàrdia Civil. Cartell de les xerrades de Nais Contra a Impunidade pel País Valencià.
Continue reading 12 i 13 d’abril: Jornades contra la presó i contra el desenvolupament. CSOA l’Horta (Valencia)

The Sacred Conspiracy

1936 fire armenian

Georges Bataille 1936

A nation already old and corrupted which will courageously shake off the yoke of its monarchical government in order to adopt a republican one will only be able to maintain itself by many crimes, for it is already in crime, and if it wants to pass from crime to virtue, that is, from a violent to a gentle state, it will fall into an inertia which will soon result in its certain ruin.
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Le Rétif

A collaborator of the “Dépêche de Toulouse,” M. Eugène Fournière, recently commented on the prose of M. Ernest La Jeunesse and the article in response to it that appeared here. M. Eugene Fournière, analyzing my defense of the “bandits” writes that “the murder of a messenger carrying receipts or the violation of a grave” will not “put a stop to the culpable regime.” He adds that if, like me, his sympathies are for “those who fights” he distinguishes between those who fight to satisfy their hunger, like a wolf, and “capital’s oppressed and exploited, who are uniting and learning in order to attain to collective leadership.”
Continue reading Expedients