A weekly bulletin from bordernews.info, aiming to collate and simplify information from a variety of sources about the situation at Europe’s borders.
General News
There will be a “Defencing Festival” of music, actions and discussions at the Temporary Autonomous Zone for Freedom of Movement at the Slovenian-Croatian, 24-26th June, 2016. Continue reading Euro-Border Flashpoint News #27→
Dear Friends,
As in previous years, we invite you to Budapest again to demonstrate together against the racism, homophobia, sexism and unhindered spread of xenophobia on the second Saturday of February. 71 years after the World War II the extreme manifestations of exclusion have become part of everyday life again. We would like to see as many participant as possible, because the personal contact and conversation and the exchange of experiences are irreplaceable important. The date of the event is coinciding the anniversary of the yearly Neo-Nazi commemoration of the Outbreak of Buda Castle called “Day of Honor”. We have information about a private, closed Neo-Nazi event on 6th of February, but they are planning a public march on 13th of February when we also need to be there. We refresh the informations continuously. Exact details will be available directly before the Event.
Please let us know your accommodation needs in private message or e-mail to antifainfobudapest@gmail.com. Please support the event with a share or invite of your friends. Continue reading Antifa-Meeting in Budapest (en/de/mg)→
E’ notizia di pochissimo tempo fa che la polizia tedesca ha sparato a salve verso decine di persone che hanno tentato di passare dalla frontiera che separa Austria e Germania. Allo stesso tempo, a Rozske e in altri punti dell’ Ungheria assistiamo al faccia a faccia tra forze militari e migliaia di persone accalcate alle recinzioni che fanno pressione tentando di oltrepassarle e/o abbatterle in barba al contingente repressivo da vero e proprio stato di guerra. Continue reading Spari della polizia tedesca al confine con l’Austria. Tensione sempre più alta alla frontiera serbo-ungherese→
We’re just guessing that most of you follow the recent news and kind of know what’s happening in Europe right now. For those interested, we share some personal experiences from the border of Austria and Hungary – to tell others, to get motivated and to have some insight news apart from (mainstream) media on the situation there. The words were collected from several people and can never be lead back to individuals. Border control, police, intelligence service and other controlling institutions: Go die! Continue reading Some words on the situation at the Hungarian-Austrian border→