Tag Archives: indonesia

Kulon Progo: Tukijo, the farmer and activist who was jailed for 2,5 years in Jogjakarta is free (Indonesia)


Tukijo is a farmer and activist from Kulon Progo, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. He was kidnapped by the state and jailed for 2 years and 6 months, after the bloom of resistence against the mega-mining project from Australian company backed up by the provincial goverment and police. Tukijo accused as kidnapper of two officers from the mining company and provocateur for disturbing social peace. He faced fake trials with fake witnesses in the court. He was active member of the local struggle and became one the leading figures in Kulon Progo at the time.
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Serum #3 (indonesia) 2012


koran revolusioner untuk perjuangan otonom melawan negara dan kapital.

Koran ini dipersembahkan oleh Kontinum, sebuah grup anti otoritarian bagi seluruh perjuangan asimetris di Indonesia sebagai projek dokumentasi kritis dan distribusi suplemen teoritik bagi percepatan penghancuran masyarakat dan peradaban yang menopangnya.

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Manifesto Individualis


Mengapa kau tinggalkan jalan yang lurus dan terbuka hanya untuk berada di jalan sempit yang sukar ini? Tahukah kau, wahai gadis kecil, kemana akan kau bawa dirimu? Jurang yang tak terhingga bisa saja menantimu di depan sana. Tak seorangpun, bahkan para penjahat, berani menyusuri jalan itu. Tetaplah berada di jalan yang lebar dan terang yang dilalui oleh banyak orang. Maukah kau? Berada di jalanjalan yang telah di tentukan, diukur, dan ditandai. Sungguhlah nyaman dan aman untuk berada di jalan semacam itu.
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Letter from Eat & Billy, imprisoned comrades of the Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / Indonesian FAI (2011)


The anarchist prisoners Eat and Billy are comrades of the Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesia Section, who are currently in prison before trial, having taken responsibility for setting fire to a BRI ATM bank in Yogyakarta on 7th of October ’11, by causing an explosion. The action was declared in solidarity with Luciano Tortuga, injured anarchist combatant of Chile, with revolutionary prisoners and fighters in Indonesia and across the world, in complicity with the international clash with capitalism and hierarchy.
Continue reading Letter from Eat & Billy, imprisoned comrades of the Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / Indonesian FAI (2011)