Read it and weep, suckers. This marks the beginning of a frenzied publishing spree. Enjoy your Black December!
Tag Archives: magazine
Anathema, Volume 2 Issue 5
In this issue:
- What’s the Point of the Black Bloc? Reflections on “Don’t Let Paris Be A Pretext”
- Anarchy In A Time of Civil War
- A Reportback from Leif Erikson Day 2015
- Recent Actions in Philly
- Local and International Writings on Black December
- Timeline of Action Against Gentrification
Volume 2 Issue 5 (PDF for printing 11×17)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (PDF for reading 8.5×11)
From Anathema
Schwarzer Docht
Der Schwarze Docht ist die Straßenzeitung der Anarchistischen Gruppe Dortmund, welche fortan in regelmäßiger Unregelmäßigkeit erscheinen wird. Wir wollen vor allem tagesaktuelle und stadtpolitische Themen aus anarchistischer Perspektive beleuchten. Wenn euch etwas auf dem Herzen brennt, was ihr veröffentlicht sehen wollt, schreibt uns an: agdo(A)
- Nr. 1, November 2015 – Gedanken zu den Anschlägen in Paris (Auflage circa. 250)
- Nr. 2, Dezember 2015 – Deutschland zieht in den Krieg (Auflage bisher circa. 350)
Avalanche Nr.6 erschienen
Internationale anarchistische Zeitschrift “Avalanche” Nr.6 erschienen…
Anarchists always appropriated means to spread anti-authoritarian ideas and struggles to feed the dialogue and subversive action. It is in this sense that this publication is also intended as a tool, more precisely that of providing a space to nourish the international debate between anarchists. That is why these particular pages create space for struggles that spring from anarchist activities; autonomous, direct and self-organized struggles; struggles that go towards the destruction of power in all its forms; struggles happening today, yesterday or that are announcing itself.
Avalanche – Anarchist Correspondence, issue 6
Κυκλοφορεί το sarajevo, τεύχος 101, δεκέμβρης 2015
Double Issue 5/6 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the TAAC, now available
Click above picture to download combined Issue #5/6 of Tokologo,
the Newsletter of the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective
- No Justice, No Peace: A Year of Struggle
Continue reading Double Issue 5/6 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the TAAC, now available
Wildfire: Issue 3 (December 2015)
[Download Issue #3] (Prints 8.5×11)
It seems fitting that we are releasing this issue now, in December. Following the letter from imprisoned anarchists in Greece and the call for international activity, Black December rages on, writing the memory of our fallen comrades with words, banners, stones, and fire. In that spirit, we dedicate this third issue of Wildfire to the memory of New Afrikan anarchist and Black Liberation Army combatant Kuwasi Balagoon, and earth liberationist William Avalon Rogers.
Continue reading Wildfire: Issue 3 (December 2015)
Announcing Black Seed Issue #4
From Black Seed
In This Issue:
- The End of the World?
- Activism and the Green Left
- An Introduction to the Anthropecene
- Interviews with Dominique & Knowing the Land is Resistance
- The Aftermath of the Katrina Disaster
- Anarcho-Primitivism and Green Platonism
- Nihilist Animism
- Reviews & More…
Wien: UNRUHEHERD Neue Ausgabe
Aufgrund aktueller Ereignisse sogar schon einen Monat früher als erwartet und geplant: Die 5. Ausgabe der anarchistischen Straßenzeitung “Unruheherd” ist ab sofort online verfügbar. Zum selber ausdrucken, verteilen, kritisieren, usw. usf.
Continue reading Wien: UNRUHEHERD Neue Ausgabe