Benjamin Shingler, The Canadian Press/CTV News, August 17, 2014
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Tag Archives: Mi’kmaq Warriors
Tahltan Call for Blockade of Imperial Metals Mine in Wake of Mt. Polley Disaster
A group of Tahltan First Nation elders is adding to the opposition of mining projects in British Columbia following the Mount Polley tailings-dam failure calling for a blockade today of the Red Chris mine project near Iskut in the far northwest.
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Police raid house in East Vancouver, with guns drawn, on pretext of anti-pipeline graffiti
At around 9AM on June 3, 2014, approximately 16 cops from the Vancouver Police Department raided a house in East Vancouver under the pretext of investigating six mischief charges related to graffiti tags dating from June, July, and October of 2013. The four residents of the house, and one guest, were removed one by one by police aiming pistols at them. One person inside the house looked out their bedroom window and saw a cop pointing his pistol at him.
Military counter-intelligence unit monitored Elsipogtog anti-fracking protests: documents
(RCMP tactical officers scope the situation during Oct. 17, 2013, raid on Mi’kmaq Warrior anti-fracking camp. APTN/File)
By Jorge Barrera, APTN National News, May 30, 2014
The Canadian military used its counter-intelligence unit to monitor the aftermath of last October’s RCMP raid on a Mi’kmaq Warrior Society-led anti-fracking camp in New Brunswick in preparation for the eventuality the situation went “sideways,” according to internal document obtained by APTN National News.
Mi’kmaq warrior pleads guilty to five charges from anti-fracking resistance
Two of six police vehicles torched, Oct 17, Mi’kmaq territory, 2013.
Jason Augustine sentenced to 18 months of probation, ordered to stay way from exploration activities
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Mi’kmaq Warrior’s Trial: RCMP ERT member testifies
More contradictory police testimony as the trial of Germaine Breau and Aaron Francis continues
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Warrior Hip-Hop West Coast Tour: Building A Culture of Resistance
Zro Prophet of X Vandals * Savage Family * Alas * Shining Soul
Welcome to the Warrior Hip-Hop Tour fundraising page! The purpose of this tour is to begin to build a culture of resistance through hip hop and art, and to inspire and educate others through hip hop all throughout Turtle Island.
This tour is bringing together conscious rebel artists from areas now known as new york, washington, arizona and southern cali. There will be tour stops at reservations and illegally occupied cities up and down the West Coast. We are taking our music to the communities where it is most sought after. We are definitely not going on this tour to get rich, but we would like to accomplish this without going into debt. If you are able to contribute to this crowd-funding initiative, we would like your help to bring our message of strength and dignity to communities that are underprivileged and ignored.
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Tactics and Techniques for Countering Police Assaults on Indigenous Communities
From the introduction: Communities that are effective in carrying out resistance will inevitably face some form of state repression, most often carried out by police forces. This text is intended as a review of tactics and techniques that have been used in countering police assaults on crowds and communities.
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Tactical Troop Operational Plan for RCMP October 17th raid
(Colonial terrorism: RCMP Tactical Armoured Vehicle lurks in the background behind “Tactical Troop” riot cops, Oct 17, 2013.)
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Akwesasne Mohawk takeover of border post ends with arrest
(Stacey Boots arrested by Akwesasne Mohawk Police, March 22, 2014.)
By Todd Hambleton, Cornwall Standard Freeholder, March 22, 2014
CORNWALL ISLAND – Akwesasne Mohawk Police defused a potential showdown just before noon on Saturday, arresting activist Stacey Boots.
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