Tag Archives: no borders
Lesvos Island, Greece: The hot spot facilities at Moria detention centre
Solidární demonstrace “Žádný člověk není ilegální” před detečním centrem v Drahonicích [Deutsche Version unten]
V tzv. detenčním zařízení v Drahonicích jsou svévolně zadržovány desítky lidí. Mnozí z nich, byli nuceni strávit v českých detenčních centrech bezdůvodně již několik měsíců. V minulých týdnech v něm proběhla protestní hladovka a někteří uprchlíci se dokonce pokusili o sebevraždu. Kritika detenčních zařízení zaznívá v českém veřejném prostoru jen slabě a sporadicky. Je čas to změnit.
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Greece: Anarchists break into the grounds of German ambassador’s home in solidarity with refugees
25.11.15: Members of Anarchist Collective Rouvikonas broke into the grounds of the German ambassador’s home in Halandri, northern Athens in solidarity with refugees.
Collective members scaled a fence that surrounds the property and scattered fliers containing slogans in support of refugees. They also raised a banner calling for solidarity with refugees and condemning EU leader’s response to the so-called ‘crisis’ and denouncing the use of Orwellian propaganda terms such as ‘hotspots’ and ‘reception centers’ when describing the refugee situation.
Seven of the comrades were arrested.
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Mulhouse: Red Cross, collaborator of imprisonment and deportation, gathers hatred- France (en/fr)
The 40 volunteer rescue workers of the local unit of the French Red Cross for Mulhouse and surrounding area and their President, Valerie Riesterer have been feeling a mixture of dismay and incomprehension since yesterday morning. During the night of Monday to Tuesday, between 4 and 5 am, three of their vehicles were burned in an open parking place in rue Illzach: an ambulance, a logistics vehicle and the car of a volunteer. The heat and smoke also rendered unusable any material that could be taken vehicles (models, stretchers, training bags …).
Anarchist Group No Borders Assists Refugees in Border Skirmishes
French police unleash tear gas against migrants in Calais, as mayor calls for army help
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17enne afroamericano ucciso dalla polizia a Chicago
Chicago (Stati Uniti) 25 novembre 2015
Un nuovo video shock scuote l’America. Ancora una violenza senza giustificazione, quella di un agente di polizia che a Chicago nell’ottobre 2014 uccise un giovane afroamericano sparandogli contro ben 16 colpi di pistola. Il filmato Le immagini rilasciate ieri dalle autorità nonostante i timori di disordini, mostrano come Laquan McDonald, 17 anni, pur avendo un coltello in mano non rappresentasse in quel momento alcuna minaccia per i poliziotti intervenuti. Anche se l’autopsia ha rivelato che aveva assunto droghe, camminava in mezzo alla strada, al centro della carreggiata.
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