Tag Archives: no borders

Solidární demonstrace “Žádný člověk není ilegální” před detečním centrem v Drahonicích [Deutsche Version unten]


V tzv. detenčním zařízení v Drahonicích jsou svévolně zadržovány desítky lidí. Mnozí z nich, byli nuceni strávit v českých detenčních centrech bezdůvodně již několik měsíců. V minulých týdnech v něm proběhla protestní hladovka a někteří uprchlíci se dokonce pokusili o sebevraždu. Kritika detenčních zařízení zaznívá v českém veřejném prostoru jen slabě a sporadicky. Je čas to změnit.
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Greece: Anarchists break into the grounds of German ambassador’s home in solidarity with refugees

25.11.15: Members of Anarchist Collective Rouvikonas broke into the grounds of the German ambassador’s home in Halandri, northern Athens in solidarity with refugees.

Collective members scaled a fence that surrounds the property and scattered fliers containing slogans in support of refugees. They also raised a banner calling for solidarity with refugees and condemning EU leader’s response to the so-called ‘crisis’ and denouncing the use of Orwellian propaganda terms such as ‘hotspots’ and ‘reception centers’ when describing the refugee situation.

Seven of the comrades were arrested.
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Mulhouse: Red Cross, collaborator of imprisonment and deportation, gathers hatred- France (en/fr)


The 40 volunteer rescue workers of the local unit of the French Red Cross for Mulhouse and surrounding area and their President, Valerie Riesterer have been feeling a mixture of dismay and incomprehension since yesterday morning. During the night of Monday to Tuesday, between 4 and 5 am, three of their vehicles were burned in an open parking place in rue Illzach: an ambulance, a logistics vehicle and the car of a volunteer. The heat and smoke also rendered unusable any material that could be taken vehicles (models, stretchers, training bags …).

Continue reading Mulhouse: Red Cross, collaborator of imprisonment and deportation, gathers hatred- France (en/fr)

17enne afroamericano ucciso dalla polizia a Chicago


Chicago (Stati Uniti) 25 novembre 2015
Un nuovo video shock scuote l’America. Ancora una violenza senza giustificazione, quella di un agente di polizia che a Chicago nell’ottobre 2014 uccise un giovane afroamericano sparandogli contro ben 16 colpi di pistola. Il filmato Le immagini rilasciate ieri dalle autorità nonostante i timori di disordini, mostrano come Laquan McDonald, 17 anni, pur avendo un coltello in mano non rappresentasse in quel momento alcuna minaccia per i poliziotti intervenuti. Anche se l’autopsia ha rivelato che aveva assunto droghe, camminava in mezzo alla strada, al centro della carreggiata.
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