Tag Archives: pamphlet

Palestine, mon amour


Alfredo M. Bonanno

No one can understand what is happening in the land of Palestine, not even those who have followed the bloody course of events involving the people who have lived there for so long. They face each other with hatred and suspicion, not just men and women, children and old people, but the very dust of the roads and the mud that covers them on rainy days, the asphyxiating heat and the stench of the sultriness.
There is no prospect of peace in sight. The ideal solution, at least as far as all those who have the freedom of peoples at heart can see, would be generalised insurrection. In other words, an intifada starting from the Israeli people, that is capable of destroying the institutions that govern them and of proposing peace based on collaboration and mutual respect with the Palestinian people directly, without intermediaries. But for the time being this perspective is only a dream. We must prepare for the worst.
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Ideen und Methodik gegen das Justizzentrum [München]


Für ein Ende der Passivität und der Zurückhaltung in Zeiten der Befriedung – Jede Macht strebt danach ihre Herrschaft über die Individuen und das Terrain auszubauen, zu si­chern und zu erweitern. Damit treibt sie sich stän­dig selbst dazu an ihren Einfluss zu vergrößern. Staaten sind laufend darum bemüht ihr Staatsgebiet und ihren Einfluss zu erweitern und ihre Interessen in im­mer weiteren Territorien zu verfolgen. Einmal geschieht das durch militärische Besetzung, also Krieg, sowie durch die Eroberung auf ökonomischer Ebene, also das Treiben in die ökonomische Abhängigkeit, die es erlaubt auch die Macht des Staates auszudehnen.
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London: Against Apolitical Squatting, communique by Squatters and Homeless Autonomy


Coming to Terms
In Camden, an eight-month squat is evicted by pigs and three are arrested under Section 144, the 2012 ban on residential squatting. A man in a SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SQUAT t-shirt waits for NELSN to forward a text. Two arrive from a council-estate squat further north. Builders begin to secure the building. Against Section 144, against increasing precarity and repression, broken self-identity and fractured organisation, London squatting seems to have begun a coming-to-terms.
Continue reading London: Against Apolitical Squatting, communique by Squatters and Homeless Autonomy

Publication of anarchist-communist Tasos Theofilou book: 32 Steps or reports from the house of the dead – Greece


Publication of Tasos Theofilou book:
32 Steps or reports from the house of the dead

Introduction note:

Prison is not only incarceration, pan optic surveillance, sensory
deprivation and the always present violence from above or from bellow.
Prison is not only the constant addiction to the sound of a heavy door
locking and unlocking. It is not only the endless rock of the yard. It
not only the use of smack to oppress any intention of revolting against
the brutality. It is not only the extreme poverty of the lumpen
proletariat, as well as the ostentatious wealth of illegal capitalism,
which exist to remind that class stratification is not absent even from
the basements of society.
Continue reading Publication of anarchist-communist Tasos Theofilou book: 32 Steps or reports from the house of the dead – Greece