Tag Archives: pamphlet

The Phoenix Project: Initiatives of Combative Anarchy, 2013-2014


A collection of the first 14 communiqués of the Phoenix Project, an anarchist initiative of informal attacks against power.

We present this as a minor contribution to the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners. Solidarity to all imprisoned comrades and those on the run!

From the text:

For us, there is no middle ground. They who declare openly their anarchist intentions are facing a decisive dilemma, to either act or give up anarchy forever. There can never be anarchy at the rear of coffee shops and gossiping… Either act or shut up…


untorelli press

Analysis of a Hunger Strike Network of Combative Prisoners (DAK) 2015 in Greece


This pamphlet is a contribution to our comrades in
Brussels for the encounter A BAS LA MAXI-PRISON,
Rencontre sans frontieres, 29 September – 3 October 2015
 Translated and printed by boubourAs and sysiphus
for Act For Freedom Now!
London, September 2015

Continue reading Analysis of a Hunger Strike Network of Combative Prisoners (DAK) 2015 in Greece

The Poverty of Feminism

Dominique Karamazov

In spite of its emancipatory and radical airs, feminism remains in the area of capitalist society to the point of even becoming the guardian of female alienation. It is not enough to define it an incomplete revolt, soliciting it to become total by abandoning the purely women’s point of view. We need to show up its content and the inversions that it involves in terms of real solutions.

Digital Elephant – Click here for the text

ISBN 1 870133 82 X

Elephant Editions
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PEGIDA – Brandstifter in Nadelstreifen(?)


PEGIDA – Brandstifter in Nadelstreifen (?)

Seit Ende 2014 wird in Deutschland und international über eine neue rechte Massenbewegung diskutiert, die unter dem Label Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes (PEGIDA) bundesweit und mittlerweile auch europaweit auftritt. Im Januar 2015 demonstrierten in Dresden rund 17.500 Menschen gegen Muslim*a und Migrant*innen – rund sechs Jahre nachdem Marwa El-Sherbini in einem Dresdner Gerichtssaal von einem bekennenden Islamhasser und Rassisten erstochen wurde. Laut einer Forsa-Umfrage Anfang Januar diesen Jahres teilen deutschlandweit 29 Prozent die antimuslimisch-rassistischen Positionen von PEGIDA, die sich als Protestbewegung in Reaktion auf die Angriffe der Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat gründete. Die tödlichen Anschläge auf Redakteure des Pariser Satiremagazins Charlie Hebdo verliehen PEGIDA zu Beginn des Jahres einen weiteren Auftrieb. Die Wahrnehmung von PEGIDA in den ausländischen Medien ist unterschiedlich. Während Sender wie Al Jazeera zum Teil von einer Art rechter Revolution berichten, wird PEGIDA beispielsweise in Teilen der polnischen Berichterstattung als legitime und progressive Bürger*innenbewegung dargestellt, hinter der die Mehrheit der deutschen Bevölkerung stünde. Mit dem vorliegenden Text wollen wir umreißen, um wen es sich bei PEGIDA und deren Teilnehmer*innen eigentlich handelt, welche Auswirkungen deren Aufmärsche und Propaganda haben und warum einige PEGIDA-Gegner*innen zum Thema Rassismus besser schweigen sollten.
Continue reading PEGIDA – Brandstifter in Nadelstreifen(?)

At Long Last, EVICT THIS (pamphlet) 2014

Screen shot 2014-01-15 at 4.15.15 PM


After months of research, writing and composition, our tenant’s rights and resistance pamphlet is finally complete. Pleae check it out, distribute it, and offer feedback. We intend this to be a work-in-progress, so please let us know if other information or analyses would be useful if included. Also, if you have other ideas for future writing projects, send them our way! Enjoy.

Evict This

Evict This (Zine)



Radio is my bomb: a DIY manual for pirates


A pirate radio how-to guide published by Hooligan Press in London in April, 1987. The title comes from a quote from Chantal Paternostre, a Belgian anarchist who said it when arrested on trumped up terrorism charges. She worked for Radio Air Libre, a Brussels pirate radio station. She was eventually released from prison after more than a year detained: most of it in solitary confinement.

Much in the text has been superseded by modern technology and we reproduce it for reference only.

Attachment Size
radio-is-my-bomb-part-1.pdf 15.91 MB
radio-is-my-bomb-part-2.pdf 12.19 MB

Posted By

Mar 30 2015 13:37


Attached files

Anarchism & American Traditions


by Voltairine de Cleyre


“Nature has the habit of now and then producing a type of human being far in advance of the times; an ideal for us to emulate; a being devoid of sham, uncompromising, and to whom the truth is sacred; a being whose selfishness is so large that it takes the whole human race and treats self only as one of the great mass; a being keen to sense all forms of wrong, and powerful in denunciation of it; one who can reach in the future and draw it nearer. Such a being was Voltairine de Cleyre.”

What could be added to this splendid tribute by Jay Fox to the memory of Voltairine de Cleyre?
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