Tag Archives: poster

Banner in Aachen

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On May Day this banner has been hung on the Aachen Cathedral, as you can read here (german). It speaks for itself, and certainly many can agree with it.

Also otherwise currently a lot is offered in Aachen: This weekend there will be a big party in the AZ, which is starting already today! Besides of that, the exhibition about the Hambach Forest is going on in the Nadelfabrik until 13. May 13th.


  • Hambach Forest


Acto en apoyo a los Presos Políticos Mapuche en Temuco este sábado 7 de mayo


Por la libertad de los presos políticos y la dignidad del Pueblo Mapuche, este sábado 7 de mayo se realizará frente a la cárcel de hombres de Temuco, bandejón Balmaceda, un encuentro solidario que comenzará a partir de las 9 de la mañana y que partirá con un Llellipun, un mizawun y música en vivo.

Se solicita llevar alimentos no perecibles como aporte.
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Dresden: Mobilisierung zum No Border Camp im Juli 2016 in Thessaloniki


Beyond Borders – make fortress Europe history. 07. Mai +++ AZ Conni +++ 16 Uhr Vortrag, Diskussion, Kurzfilmpremiere “Protest in Paradise” Eine Veranstaltung von Critique’n’ActIm Mai sind zwei Genoss*innen der antiautoritären Plattform Alpha Kappa (Αντιεξουσιαστική κίνηση, Antieksousiastiki Kinisi, antiautoritäre Bewegung) auf Informations- und Mobilisierungstour. Alpha Kappa ist Teil des Beyond Europes Netzwerks und der lokalen Campversammlung in Thessaloniki.
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I’m curious why I don’t see more outright…


I’m curious why I don’t see more outright solidarity from the self-proclaimed “reds” in the city with local striking workers.  I’ve seen them attending every possible kind of demonstration, but never supporting strikes (like some west coast anarchists have done in recent years in the ports), taking actions against scab sites and employers (like some of the union members with some sort of teeth), or reaching out to the frustrated at more reformist rallies (the way the insurrecto-oriented have been doing against prisons and the police, locally).
Continue reading I’m curious why I don’t see more outright…