Tag Archives: poster

Neuquén – repudio a la postergación del inicio del juicio por el asesinato de Matías Casas


Difundimos comunicado de la Multisectorial contra la represión de Río Negro y Neuquén:

Ante la situación en que la justicia mantiene el caso de Matías Casas, nos declaramos en estado de alerta. Consideramos que la postergación del inicio del juicio contra el policía asesino Héctor Méndez es una falta de respeto hacia la familia del joven que asesinó y tememos que a mediados de enero el homicida pueda fácilmente quedar en libertad.
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Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For January 2014 Is Now Available


Hello Friends and Comrades,

1) Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for January. This one marks the beginning of our fifth year publishing this poster every month! As always, please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing night of your own.

Some News And Updates:
Continue reading Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For January 2014 Is Now Available

Prisoner Support Flyer Updated


by Earth First! Prisoner Support Project

The Earth First! Prisoner Support Project has produced a sparkling new flyer for your info table at your next event. The flyer is a hard copy of the up-to-date list of political prisoners that the EF!PSP supports, which can also be found on the Earth First! Newswire website prisoner pages earthfirstjournal.org/eco-prisoner-list/
Continue reading Prisoner Support Flyer Updated