Tag Archives: prisoners

Trote Matinal. Escrito del compañero Hans Niemeyer



Dibujo realizado por un prisionero politico en los 90, del “hall” o comedor de los modulos del C.A.S


Ingreso al hall con cámaras de vigilancia que se encuentran en el primer piso contiguo al patio romboide correspondiente al tercer piso del módulo H norte. Hace frío en esta característica mañana de primavera en Santiago. Dejo la silla plástica de el lado de las ventanas enrejadas, suavemente, sin hacer apenas ruido, mientras el funcionario cierra con candado la reja y luego una puerta de fierro.
Las paredes son amarillas y las rejas y puertas azules. Comienzo a cambiarme la ropa: pantalón corto, camisa de manga larga, calcetines y unas zapatillas “Power” de quince lucas, tan alejadas de las marcas de zapatillas deseadas por la población penal. Las dos cámaras de vigilancia se mantiene ahí, inamovibles, perpetuas.
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$hile: Escrito desde la carcel por Mario Pedraza


“Tétrica, fria y siniestra… pero no pensante”

 La karcel, desde tiempos antiguos, hasta el presente y actual sistema casino-sociedad, ha sido el siniestro albergue del rebelde ciudadano, que en algún momento abandono elcompaginado baile de los sometidos, para dejar las migajas controladas y luchar por lo que la naturaleza (única autoridad del cosmos) ha obsequiado con los suplementos basicos que todo ser conciente necesita.

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Grecia: Carta del preso anarquista Tasos Theofilou a la vista de su juicio el 11 de Noviembre


Presentamos la carta del preso anarquista Tasos Theofilou a la vista de su juicio (en griego aquí: https://gutneffntqonah7l.onion.to/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1500285). A continuación sus dos pequeños cuentos que no fueron traducidos hasta ahora (todos los textos del compañero están aquí: http://astop.espivblogs.net/)

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Un piccolo contributo dai membri prigionieri della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco sulla Solidarietà (2011) it/gr



Tratto da



testo originale, in greco, pubblicato il 6 aprile: athens.indymedia.org

Fino a che giunga il giorno, restiamo con la testa in alto…
Continue reading Un piccolo contributo dai membri prigionieri della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco sulla Solidarietà (2011) it/gr

Dichiarazione davanti al tribunale federale di Bellinzona (di Luca Bernasconi, Costantino Ragusa, Silvia Guerini Ragusa)


Il 22 luglio 2011 il Tribunale Federale Penale di Bellinzona ha condannato Costantino Ragusa a 3 anni e 8 mesi, Luca Bernasconi a 3 anni e 6 mesi e Silvia Guerini a 3 anni e 4 mesi per atti preparatori d’incendio, trasporto illegale e occultamento di materiale esplosivo.


Questa dichiarazione è stata letta dagli imputati in aula durante un’udienza del processo tenutosi nel luglio 2011 in Svizzera.
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Dichiarazione politica dei 9 prigionieri della CCF nel contesto del Caso Halandri (2012)


trad. tomo / cenere

i) L’“innocenza” della vittima e la “colpa” del “cacciatore”

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We took the political responsibility for participation in the organization Revolutionary Struggle. Consciously we did not choose to position ourselves concerning the “story” that was presented to us here by the witness Papathanasakis -which of course, was transferred to him-, the facts he described and what the ΔΑΕΕΒ (special violent crime squad) judged as enough proof to proceed to arrests. We consciously chose to not go into the process of speaking of phone conversations, mobile phones, the appointments presented by the ΔΑΕΕΒ, to distance ourselves from the investigation carried out by the advocates -and only by them since until this moment at least the judges have not preformed any significant examination of this specific witness-, on whether they were serious, real, worthy, capable enough to go ahead to arrests and imprisonments.

Bolivia: Prison letter from Krudo one year since the frame-up (en/es)


from krudoalakalle, translated by waronsociety:

One year into the political persecution and repression by the state after having framed up slanders against individuals who refuse to be part of the established order, thirteen in total, some of whom were pulled from the case and freed, like other snitches and/or collaborators in the investigation of this frame-up. As it is known (and it is not too much to emphasize) three were imprisoned, since those who had collaborated were rewarded with house arrest, and we were transferred to different penitentiary centers (of moral extermination). In a part of the confinement, the prisoner in the women’s prison (Obrajes) decided to collaborate and got house arrest as a reward, leaving only two prisoners. Later on the prisoner in San Pedro prison got house arrest too (but not collaborating, which is dignified). So today, May 29, 2013, I remain behind the bars of the punishment to set an example, and it remains in my memory (which never forgets, never forgives) that a year ago I was kidnapped and tortured in an attempt to get information from me that I didn’t have, because it did not exist and of course with the intention of incriminating others (which I did not do).
Continue reading Bolivia: Prison letter from Krudo one year since the frame-up (en/es)