Tag Archives: prisoners



SOLIDRITY TO OLGA ECONOMIDOU by CCF & Theofilos Mavropoulos..

“Turn off the main switch in this dump. Here the beautiful becomes ugly, the choice becomes a habit and the meaningless important. Prison dirties creases and swallows pieces of dreams, desires, thoughts and feelings. Its most permanent residents, the majority of the prisoners are now a part of the appliances of the prisons. Bars, yard, cameras,locks, prisoners mix all together and re-enact the world of captivity. Nothing is worthy of captivity. Nothing is worthy in here. Come let’s go and don’t look back….Only fire will cleanse this place…..”

Declaración política de Panagiotis Argyrou (Conspiración de Células de Fuego)


colaboracion http://culmine.noblogs.org

Panagiotis Argyrou fue arrestado el 1 de noviembre de 2010 en Atenas junto con Gerasimos Tsakalos durante la acción del envío de paquetes incendiarios. Ambos compañeros asumieron la pertenencia a Conspiración de Células del Fuego. Panagiotis estaba en busca y captura desde octubre de 2009, acusado de formar parte de CCF, mientras que también tiene una causa pendiente por quema de un autobús de transporte publico. Desde 17 de enero, junto a otrxs 8 personas, está juzgado en el primer juicio contra CCF, el del llamado caso Halandri. En una protesta contra las condiciones en que se realiza dicho juicio junto a otros 3 acusados abandonó la sala ya en finales del enero y desde entonces no se presentó ahí. La siguiente declaración publicó hace una semana. Recordamos que las sentencias sean dictadas el 19 de julio.
Continue reading Declaración política de Panagiotis Argyrou (Conspiración de Células de Fuego)

Cases & Contact updates of prisoners in struggle


State prison addresses for personal communication with prisoners in struggle [full address of a sender required]. Prisoners’ names are links to their case and to their letters concerning their case (some articles on the site are still under construction). The list will be renewed when necessary. For any observations, corrections, etc.: tameio (at) espiv.net ——————————————————————————-

A few more words about the solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted fighters


We are witnessing a process of intense social transformation, a savage restructuring of capitalism. The working rights achievements, the fake welfare and the consumerism privileges that extracted the social consent during the post-dictatorship era vanish rapidly, leading inevitably to states of social polarization.
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[$hile] Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras: Desde el combate minoritario… somos viento y marea que arrasa contra el Poder


Algunas reflexiones después de la Semana de Agitación y Propaganda por l@s pres@s de la Guerra Social.
Continue reading [$hile] Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras: Desde el combate minoritario… somos viento y marea que arrasa contra el Poder

Massive Administration of Substances in Greek prisons (Savvas Xiros) 2009



In my new book, extracts of which follow, an outline of the drug command of all prisoners in Greek prisons by cognitive degrading is attempted. My experience I have gained from psychotropic substance administration has proven useful for the writing of this book – “with rape and rape of will” – throughout my 65 day accommodation in the intensive care unit, where modern and not only questioning methods were applied. The experience of other drug substances I was given from the 13 surgeons I’ve been submitted to after the bomb’s explosion in my own hands in 2002, since today also helped my writing.
Continue reading Massive Administration of Substances in Greek prisons (Savvas Xiros) 2009