Tag Archives: sweden

Presidio in solidarietà con prigionier* antispecist* in Svezia (Roma)


Presidio in solidarietà con prigionier* antispecist* in Svezia

Un atto di solidarietà verso un ragazzo, Richard, che in Italia ben conosciamo per la sua presenza alle marce di protesta contro la vivisezione, e contro harlan. Il “biondino” con la bandiera della Svezia.
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The far right is a hot topic right now and Chrissi Avgi\Golden Dawn (GD) are increasingly making headlines all over Europe, as this recently small neo-Nazi group suddenly stumbles onto the political stage; rabid and unclean compared to many of its European cousins, punching and threatening and speaking of civil war whilst for a long time no one does anything even though migrants and other undesirables are beaten and killed, and the cops are participating actively or at least not preventing it as the government tries its best to do even better in its own bureaucratic way. The murder of the antifascist Pavlos Fyssas by a GD member has created a sharp u-turn that recently saw surprised members of GD marching on their own as cops busted in on them and the state went antifascist. I have chosen the term ‘far-right’ to act as a massive umbrella term under which fascists, Nazis, xenophobic populists and nationalists can be categorised. I know that this is a simplification, but simplification is necessary if one is to talk about a new political climate which is spreading over Europe, a climate which is created by many groups with differing backgrounds and ideologies but which most significantly is characterised by racism and cultural protectionism. When analysing Golden Dawn it is relevant to look at Greek history as well as the ideologies of fascism and national socialism, but the international context is also important. If we look at international connections between GD and other far right groups, we can narrow our definitions, because we find the solidarity coming from a very specific political grouping: the neo-Nazis.

The War Over My Life



The battery feels cold against my fingertops. I stop grubbing about in the desk drawer. Slowly the filter of the cigarette pastes itself onto my lips. The thread of steel wool from the workshop is diligently prepared with the eyes and the fit for the battery. Solemny I construct the smouldering gear. First at the positive pole. Important that the smouldering point, the eye, is proper. And so the other end follows at the negative pole. The smouldering appears quickly. Hurriedly the tobacco filled mouth of the cigarette meets the glowing eye. Puff. Puff. The cigarette is litten. The smell of burned metal, battery acid and tobacco smoke. It is past lockup. I’m really not the smoker type, I’m doing the snuff but then again the forbidden smoking ritual… A heretic ritual. A spit in the face of the correctional institution…a manifestation of a fervent need within me, to refuse that uniform that they are trying to impose on me. It raises the life quality…

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New book on the Swedish ALF


Until All Are Free is a new book to mark the 30th anniversary of the inception of the Swedish Animal Liberation Front. Written by the activist collective Red Fox – whose members have been part of the animal rights movement for more than 20 years – it provides a unique document of “one of the most prominent and active branches…Executing direct actions in the small country in Northern Europe to save animals from oppression and cruelty.”
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Lenin y el leninismo, ¿guías del proletariado mundial?


Nestor Makhno

En todos los países, especialmente en los Estados que forman la URSS, se encuentra un grito feroz, sin sentido: «Lenin es la guía para los trabajadores de todos los países, construyó una teoría para usar, él les mostró el verdadero camino de liberación vengativa, etc…».

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[Video] Nästa Station Rönninge – Documentary about Salem marches


Obs. English/Swedish/Danish/Norwegian subtitles.

Since the murder of a young neo nazi skinhead in the Stockholm suburb Salem in December 2000, fascists from all over Europe has marched in his memory every year. In 2003 they gathered more than 2000 nazis, the biggest fascist march in Scandinavia since WWII. But they didn’t march without resistance. The antifascist movement tried out a wide range of tactics. In 2011 the nazis marched for the last time. This short documentary tells the story of how the antifascists tried to stop the Salem-march.

The movie is produced by Produktionskollektivet Opbrud.


Anti Fascist Action Stockholm: Travel Report From Rojava


When we write this it is a little over a week since the Kobanê Canton’s defense forces, YPG and YPJ, declared victory in Kobanê.

The victory means a lot for the Kurds. The city’s resistance has become a symbol in the resistance against ISIS, whom the Kurds call Daesh. Daesh is an abbreviation of ISIS but is similar to the Arabic ”daes” which means to trample or crush. It is used in this context derogatorily of ISIS and removes ISIS’ right to name themselves. The fascists of ISIS have banned the word in the areas they control and they take it so seriously that those that use it are threatened with having their tongues cut out.
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Lenin visto da…


Nestor Makhno
Dappertutto e particolarmente negli Stati formanti l’Unione delle repubbliche Sovietiche, s’eleva un clamore assordante ed insensato: «Lenin è guida ai lavoratori di tutti i paesi, egli ha edificato per essi una teoria, egli ha mostrato loro il vero cammino della rivoluzione liberatrice».
E nel paese stesso in cui i carnefici bianchi e rossi, nell’interesse dei rispettivi partiti, han decapitato l’incomparabile grande rivoluzione russa — la liberatrice dei lavoratori — e distolgono attualmente le masse lavoratrici dal loro scopo, là s’è perduta la fede in se stessi, la fede nella forza creatrice dell’azione spontanea per l’organizzazione della nuova società, — in un paese dove una sì grande rivoluzione ha potuto scoppiare, finita anzitempo — molto prima d’aver raggiunto il suo completo sviluppo — a malgrado dell’entusiasmo di cui le masse lavoratrici erano animate.
A simili piacevolezze che attestano una criminale irresponsabilità, fa eco il chiasso dei partigiani di Lenin nei paesi esterni alla Russia. E di conseguenza esse sono accettate per vere anche dai non partigiani di Lenin, gli uomini di cui l’intelligenza, la forza, la volontà trovansi tuttora nelle strettoie dell’educazione capitalistica.

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Interview with an Antifascist Prisoner in Sweden (en/de)


Joel is an antifascist prisoner in Sweden. In July 2014, he was sentenced to five and a half years in prison for attempted murder, violent disorder, and carrying an illegal weapon. The sentence followed a collective defense against a Nazi attack on an antifascist demonstration in Stockholm. The interview was conducted in the fall of 2014. Explanatory notes have been added.
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