Tag Archives: ukraina

Join international days of solidarity with Russian anarchist and antifascist prisoners 1st to 10th July, 2016


When mass civil protests in Russia were defeated in 2011-12 the Putinist police regime started open political repressions against militants of social and political movements, including anarchists and antifascists. Many activists have been sentenced to prison terms in the course of the last 5 years in Russia.
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Ukraine: Arson attack against Holosiivskyi District Court in Kiev (en/es)



We – the anarchists confirm that at about 03:00AM on the morning of April 8, 2016 an attack was made against the Holosiivskyi District Court of Kiev. 4 bottles of flammable mixture were thrown at the southern part of the courthouse, 2 of which flew into the office of judge Didyk. As a result, a fire started in the office that burned documents and other property.
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Ukraine: Molotov attack against a police station in Kiev by anarchist group ‘Revenge Marusya Nikiforovа’


On March 8, 2016, at 3 o’clock in the morning we visited Police Station Desna RU GUMVD on 23A Forest Avenue in Kiev.

The police station is located on the first floor of a non-residential building. We smashed the windows and threw 2 Molotov cocktails inside.

This symbolic action was carried out on International Day of Solidarity with Working Women in the Struggle for Liberation and is dedicated to anarchist women in particular. Our dear little sister, do not be discouraged – we are together.

With heartfelt greetings from Kiev!

Anarchist group ‘Revenge Marusya Nikiforovа’


Note from Insurrection News: Murusya Nikiforova was a legendary Ukrainian anarchist guerrilla who fought with the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine. You can read more about her HERE


Maria Nikiforova e gli anarchici underground


L’epopea di un’anarchica attraverso l’Ucraina (1902-1919)


Mila Cotlenko
Quando mi sono interessata alla storia della rivoluzione del 1917 in Russia, ho avuto come l’impressione di aprire una matrioska di bamboline di legno russe, ognuna delle quali rivelava nuove realtà. A scuola mi hanno insegnato in due paragrafi l’irresitibile ascesa dei bolscevichi fra febbraio e ottobre e, in lunghe e noiose pagine, la progressiva realizzazione del loro regime totalitario. La morale era chiara: la rivoluzione non può portare che al dispotismo della peggiore specie. Poi c’è stata la lettura di Volin che ha frantumato definitivamente la bambolina più grande della matrioska. 1917 non era più la storia di un semplice colpo di Stato, ma ridiventava un processo rivoluzionario ricco e  rigoglioso, con molteplici forze in campo. […]

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La Makhnovtchina y el antisemitismo


Nestor Makhno

Cerca de siete años después, los enemigos del movimiento revolucionario makhnovista han desencadenado tantas mentiras respecto a él que podemos asombrarnos de que esta gente no logre avergonzarse de eso por lo menos de vez en cuando.

Es bastante característico que estas mentiras desvergonzadas dirigidas contra mí y los insurgentes makhnovistas, de hecho contra nuestro movimiento en conjunto, unan a gente de campos sociopolíticos muy diferentes: podemos encontrar allí a periodistas de toda pluma, escritores, eruditos y profanos que se pisan los talones, merodeadores y especuladores, los cuales no dudan a veces en presentarse como pioneros de las ideas revolucionarias vanguardistas.
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