So the anarchist individualist as I mean it has nothing to wait for […] I already considered myself an anarchist and could not wait for the collective revolution to rebel myself or for communism to obtain my freedom.
Riformisti e rivoluzionarii del Partito socialista guardano al problema della propaganda antimilitarista con la lente degli stessi pregiudizi i, lo considerano con la stessa identica arciborghese grettezza di criterio, e, abbacinati dagli stessi feticci, agitati dalle stesse preoccupazioni e dalle stesse paure, la avviluppano delle stesse pastoie, la castrano, l’emasculano colla stessa rabbia pretesca, paurosa e feroce. Continue reading FRATELLI SIAMESI II→
En la lucha contra la dominación y la explotación, cada individuo necesita coger todo instrumento que pueda hacer suyo, toda arma que pueda usar autónomamente para atacar esta sociedad y recobrar su vida. Continue reading Ni intelectualismo ni estupidez→
Lo sciopero generale proclamato dai lavoratori italiani nel settembre 1904, all’indomani delle stragi proletarie di Buggerru e di Castelluzzo, doveva – maniJestazione imponente di protesta e di ribellione – frenare la libidine omicida dei governi liberali che deliziano da un trentennio il bel paese. Continue reading FRATELLI SIAMESI→
Every morning when I wake up I ask myself whether I should write or blow up a dam. I tell myself I should keep writing, though I’m not sure that’s right. I’ve written books and done activism, but it is neither a lack of words nor a lack of activism that is killing salmon here in the Northwest. It’s the dams. Continue reading Actions Speak Louder Than Words→
Many people desire an existence free of coercive authority, where all are at liberty to shape their own lives as they choose for the sake of their own personal needs, values, and desires. For such freedom to be possible, no individual person can extend his or her sphere of control upon the lives of others without their choosing. Many who challenge oppression in the modern world strive toward their conception of a “free society” by attempting to merely reform the most powerful and coercive institutions of today, or to replace them with “directly democratic” governments, community-controlled municipalities, worker-owned industrial federations, etc. Continue reading Against Mass Society→
Nosotros favorecemos el desarrollo de un movimiento de trabajadores basado en la democracia directa, no sólo porque será más efectivo en la lucha actual contra la clase empleadora, sino también porque prefigura -y sienta la base para- una sociedad de libertad e igualdad, sin autoritarismo o explotación. Continue reading Las raíces burguesas del anarcosindicalismo→
« Pendant cette semaine de protestation contre la guerre, nous avons placé des explosifs dans les bureaux de la Chase Manhattan, de la Standard Oil et de la General Motors. Les gardiens de ces trois immeubles et les agences d’information de toute la ville ont été prévenues par téléphone de trente à soixante minutes à l’avance, de façon à garantir que les immeubles seraient vides de monde. Continue reading Lutte armée aux Etats-Unis→
Ted Kaczynski wrote this letter in reply to a Turkish anarchist, Kara, who sent him a series of questions as an interview for her zine. Rather than include Kara’s letter, I have quoted only the questions which Kaczynski answered. Spelling and typographical errors, apparently introduced in transcription, have been fixed. Kara’s English has been corrected. Section headings have been added. Continue reading Letter to a Turkish anarchist→
Saul Newman, “From Bakunin to Lacan: Anti-Authoritarianism and the Dislocation of Power” (Lexington Books, 2001, $70.00).
In “From Bakunin to Lacan,” Saul Newman claims to want to reinvent anarchism (130); in fact, he claims not only to reinvent anarchism but to surpass it in creating postanarchism. He does so, because he alleges that anarchism has a hidden authoritarianism at its foundation, the authoritarianism of an essentialized human nature. Continue reading Post-Anarchism or Simply Post-Revolution?→