Tag Archives: us

Operation Equinox Nefolk Tour Continues to Be Confronted by Antifa


The popular Neofolk bands that have joined the Operation Equinox Tour have had quite a bit of trouble from anti-fascist rabblerousers since the shows began.  The tour is being co-sponsored by the far-right Heathen Harvest, which we covered previously in our look deep into their politics and the fascist sympathies of most the bands on this tour’s bill.  The tour’s main sponsor, Annihilvs Power Electronix, is the face that many of the venues actually know, so when confronted many of the stage managers actually did not know about the Heathen Harvest connection (though the bands were already publicly controversial).
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“Nazi Cabbie” Gabriel Diaz Caught Attempting to Infiltrate Antifa


(Gabriel Diaz: National Socialist Infiltrator and Stooge for the National Socialist Movement)

About a year ago, Anti-Fascists around the country started seeing a man calling himself Mohammed coming out to demonstrations against Neo-Nazis and Klan as well as Anti-Fascist/Leftist events and conferences and trying to get involved in the Anti-Fascist movement.
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Help Print and Distribute Fire to the Prisons #13


Help Print 10,000 Copies of Fire to the Prisons and Give Them out For Free!

In February 2015, we returned to publishing Fire to the Prisons. After a three year hiatus, we came back to this project with full force. Over a year later, we are happy to report that almost all of the 10,000 printed copies have been distributed across North America and abroad. Thanks to the support, donations, and contributions of comrades across the world, we were able to create a very loud voice.
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An Immense, Reckless, Shameless, Conscienceless, Proud Crime


Wolfi Landstreicher

Stirner’s Demolition of the Sacred

Stirner’s Demolition of the Sacred

In crime the egoist has hitherto asserted himself and mocked at the sacred; the break with the sacred, or rather of the sacred, may become general. A revolution never returns, but an immense, reckless, shameless, conscienceless, proud—crime, doesn’t it rumble in the distant thunder, and don’t you see how the sky grows ominously silent and gloomy?”—Max Stirner

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Jason Hammond Freed


The Jeremy Hammond support campaign have announced that after approximately 16 months in an Illinois state prison, Jeremy’s brother, Jason Hammond has finally been released into the loving arms of friends and family as of 1 April 2016. Jason, an ardent, lifelong antifascist, was imprisoned for his part in disrupting a meeting of white supremacists in a suburb of Chicago in May of 2012. In January of 2015, he took a non-cooperating plea agreement and was sentenced to 41 months in prison.
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All Out Atlanta Says: “Protest a Success, Unsurprised by police militarization, Calls for Revolution”


Stone Mountain, Georgia can now be added to the growing list of places – Columbia, Olympia, Anaheim, Chicago… – at which determined people have blocked the consolidation of white supremacist forces. Today, two thousand people converged at Stone Mountain Park as a fearless, heterogeneous force committed to disrupting a “white power” march organized by members of the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists. The Park’s choice to provide a modified permit for a white power rally at a black-frequented park — justified by free speech amendments — resulted in the deployment of hundreds of state and riot police as well as the closure of Park attractions in an attempt to manage the high degree of unrest that came as a response. Despite these attempts at management, an ensemble of anti-racist groups succeeded in repeatedly circumnavigating militarized police forces and delaying “Rock Stone Mountain” participants from leaving Stone Mountain Park for a second white power rally in Rome, Georgia that was hosted by the National Socialist Movement.
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