Tag Archives: us

ANTI-FASCIST ALERT: Racist, Xenophobic “3%ers” Rallying in Philly Tomorrow 3/5/16

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When: March 6th, 2016
When: 12:30pm
Where: 6th and Market

This Saturday, the Three Percenters — a militia grouping with close ties to group of white supremacists, right wing ideologues and anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists that recently occupied a wildlife refuge on stolen Native land in Oregon — are coming to Philadelphia and 21 other cities across the country. They will gather in front of regional FBI offices to “avenge the death of Finicum,” the man who was shot by the FBI as the occupation ended, and to gather strength for their cause.
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Alexander Berkman: La Necesidad de Trasladar los Ideales a la Vida (1910)


Ha pasado un año desde la muerte de Francisco Ferrer. Su martirio ha llamado a la indignación casi universal contra la camarilla de sacerdotes y dominadores que condenaron a un noble hombre a la muerte. Los elementos pensantes y  progresivos de todo el mundo han vociferado su protesta sin ambigüedades. En todas partes se ha manifestado simpatía por Ferrer, víctima moderna de la Inquisición Española, y se ha expresado profundo aprecio por su obra y propósito. En resumen, la muerte de Ferrer ha tenido éxito — como probablemente ningún otro martirio de la historia reciente — en despertar la consciencia social de las personas. Ha esclarecido la actitud eternamente inalterable de la iglesia como enemiga del progreso; ha expuesto convincentemente al Estado como el calculador rival del avance popular; ha, finalmente, despertado profundo interés en el destino de los infantes y la necesidad de la educación racional.
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In concorrenza col boia


L’Eretico (Luigi Galleani)
Se della serena forza delle convinzioni, della sicurezza della coscienza, della saldezza del carattere, così degli individui come delle collettività, devesi giudicare nell’ora tempestosa della prova, quando giudizi, atteggiamenti, resistenze sono
 cimentate dal ciclone devastatore delle passioni sfrenate — sparuto pegno della sua forza, del suo carattere, ci dà il movimento sovversivo d’Italia nella gamma svariata che va dal riformismo parlamentare ministeriale al socialismo anarchico, contrito tutto quanto dinnanzi alle minacciose coalizioni della gente per bene, frettoloso di rassicurare il re, Giolitti, la stampa dell’ordine che partecipa esso pure dell’orrore onde Antonio D’Alba ha del suo gesto irriverente percosso tutti i santuari della patria; e con tutta l’anima al giubilo dei te deum salutanti la rinnovata devozione del popolo al re ed alla regina scampati per l’amore e per la grazia di dio al sacrilego attentato.
Ed è intorno ad Antonio D’Alba, il reprobo ventenne, il coro osceno delle abiure tremebonde e delle caine maledizioni con cui dall’italico sovversivismo addomesticato si era nel 1900 ripudiata ogni solidarietà coll’atto di Gaetano Bresci, e con quello di Leone Czolgosz nel 1901; è, dinnanzi alla reazione farneticante, in armi, di utopiche restaurazioni e di rivincite esemplari la stessa casistica alfonsina, lo stesso affanno a distinguere tra i fedeli e gli infedeli delle spaurite confraternite, lo stesso tormentoso rovello a separare le responsabilità di chi opera da quelle di coloro che anche di pensare hanno paura, lo stesso impudico acrobatismo a cercar l’alibi decente nell’infamia della vittima rinnegata.

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La OkupaChe: Defending an Autonomous Space


There’s a liberated territory on the campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico – UNAM). It’s called the Che Guevara Auditorium. Known as the Justo Sierra Auditorium half a century ago, its name was changed by students in the 1968 strike, and three decades later, it was taken over in the 1999-2000 student strike. Briefly lost when 2,500 federal militarized police invaded the campus on February 6, 2000, the auditorium was recovered a few months later. Since then, several different groups have taken responsibility for maintaining the space at different times.
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(~ Artwork and words by Oso Blanco)

Very Serious Update: We have received information that Oso Blanco has been targeted due to people emailing the regional office. He was put in a 72 hour watch room and is now in a cold cell with only paper shorts and a plastic mattress cover with no mattress!!! All because emails were sent to the bosses of Hazelton USP. It is more important that ever to email them (or call but it has been difficult to get through).

Tell them the above information and let them know that no one has received mail or phone calls from Byron Chubbuck in weeks. Insist that we are allowed to speak with him
Continue reading HELP OSO BLANCO TODAY!!!

Open letter from Joseph Konopka ‘Dr Ch@os’ (USA)

wolf eyes

Joseph Konopka is an individual in America who is currently serving 13 years in prison for 2 felony acts of conspiracy to commit acts of terror. He was also charged with 6 felony counts of arson and vandalism, as well as trespassing, and sentenced to an additional 10 years. However, these charges were later dropped on a federal appeal. Konopka was arrested in 2002, by Chicago Police after he was caught hoarding potassium cyanide and sodium cyanide in an unused Chicago Transit Authority storeroom in the Chicago ‘L’ Blue Line subway. Konopka had picked the locks on several doors and disused rooms in the tunnels. Konopka had formed the group ‘Realm of Ch@os’ who were responsible for 28 power failures and 20 other service interruptions at various Wisconsin power plants.
Continue reading Open letter from Joseph Konopka ‘Dr Ch@os’ (USA)

Minneapolis: Posters Against Police


With an expected decision on whether or not to indict the officers who murdered Jamar Clark looming, the Minneapolis Police Chief released a video statement a few days ago. The statement declares that the police will not tolerate violence but remains dedicated to upholding the first amendment rights of citizens. It is clear the police are preparing for the inevitable unrest in response to the decision, as a part of counter insurgency operations. These operations will involve both directing people’s potential anger at the decision into legitimate channels, and repressing those who refuse.
Continue reading Minneapolis: Posters Against Police