Tag Archives: video

Anarchists in the Bosnian Uprising


he past two weeks have seen a fierce new protest movement in Bosnia, commencing with the destruction of government buildings and continuing with the establishment of popular assemblies. Unlike the recent conflicts in Ukraine, this movement has eschewed nationalistic strife to focus on class issues. In a region infamous for ethnic bloodshed, this offers a more promising direction for the Eastern European uprisings to come.
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Investigarán la denuncia por tortura y prevaricación contra altos cargos de Instituciones Penitenciarias interpuesta por el compañero Honorio Gomez Alfaro (Pope)


Tras varios años de tortura intencionada por el abandono sanitario al que le tenían sometido Honorio Gómez, preso anarquista en lucha en la campaña contra las torturas, ha conseguido este último año ser operado de las piedras del riñón y de la contracción de los dedos de su mano.
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Quezon City (Philippines): Expulsion violente de squatters et destruction d’un bidonville (foto/video)


Lundi 27 janvier 2014, pendant sept heures, des affrontements ont opposé des habitant-e-s d’un bidonville du quartier Sitio San Roque (à Quezon City) et les flics et travailleurs venus expulser et détruire leurs logements.
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Los Mossos desalojan el CSO La Carbonería en el barrio de Sant Antoni de Barcelona

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Los Mossos desalojan desde el mediodía el CSO La Carbonería , en el barrio de Sant Antoni de Barcelona . Okupado en 2008 por un colectivo de jóvenes , el centro está arraigado en el barrio y su tejido vecinal y social . Agentes de la Brigada Móvil y la División de Información se encuentran en el interior del edificio , en cuya fachada se han colgado dos de los habitantes del edificio .
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Anarchists in the Bosnian Uprising: Two Interviews


The past two weeks have seen a fierce new protest movement in Bosnia, commencing with the destruction of government buildings and continuing with the establishment of popular assemblies. Unlike the recent conflicts in Ukraine, this movement has eschewed nationalistic strife to focus on class issues. In a region infamous for ethnic bloodshed, this offers a more promising direction for the Eastern European uprisings to come.
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Reclaim Turtle Island


Reclaim Turtle Island is a grassroots radical media project that works to develop resources to build capacity for Indigenous sovereigntist and anticolonial struggles in Turtle Island. They have already co-produced one of the projects with Submedia. They are fundraising right now to produce multiple short films that will highlight indigenous resistance all across the continent. The fundraiser only has two days left. Watch the fundraising video and donate here!

Reclaim Turtle Island