Bolivia: Prison letter from Krudo one year since the frame-up (en/es)


from krudoalakalle, translated by waronsociety:

One year into the political persecution and repression by the state after having framed up slanders against individuals who refuse to be part of the established order, thirteen in total, some of whom were pulled from the case and freed, like other snitches and/or collaborators in the investigation of this frame-up. As it is known (and it is not too much to emphasize) three were imprisoned, since those who had collaborated were rewarded with house arrest, and we were transferred to different penitentiary centers (of moral extermination). In a part of the confinement, the prisoner in the women’s prison (Obrajes) decided to collaborate and got house arrest as a reward, leaving only two prisoners. Later on the prisoner in San Pedro prison got house arrest too (but not collaborating, which is dignified). So today, May 29, 2013, I remain behind the bars of the punishment to set an example, and it remains in my memory (which never forgets, never forgives) that a year ago I was kidnapped and tortured in an attempt to get information from me that I didn’t have, because it did not exist and of course with the intention of incriminating others (which I did not do).
Continue reading Bolivia: Prison letter from Krudo one year since the frame-up (en/es)

Purché non se ne parli


Si tratta di una delle grandi ipocrisie umane: la libertà di critica. Nessuno oserà mai affermare esplicitamente la propria ostilità nei confronti della critica, tutti ne riconosceranno comunque il valore e l’importanza. Nei sistemi politici, infatti, la sua messa al bando è notoriamente sinonimo di totalitarismo. Eppure, la sua manifestazione viene sollecitata, gradita, o anche solo tollerata, quasi esclusivamente quando non è indirizzata verso se stessi. Criticare va bene, va benissimo… finché si criticano gli altri.

Continue reading Purché non se ne parli

Mort au module FIES


Notre cher compagnon Francisco Ortiz Jimenez (Paco) est mort samedi dernier 19 juillet dans le module FIES de la prison de Badajoz. Il a cherché la liberté par le suicide en ingurgitant une dose mortelle de pilules, une manière très dure pour échapper définitivement à la réalité de la prison et de l’isolement, qu’il ne supportait plus.
Continue reading Mort au module FIES

Marco Camenisch e Andrea Stauffacher in sciopero della fame solidale con Georges Ibrahim Abdallah


Riceviamo e diffondiamo un comunicato di Marco e Andi sul loro sciopero della fame in solidarietà con Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.
Leggi l’originale in pdf.

 “Non mi pentirò, non scenderò a compromessi e continuerò a resistere”

Genoa, Italy – Declaration of anarchist Alfredo Cospito and anarchist comrade Nicola Gai at the trial (October 30 2013) for the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi (en/it)


 We receive and translate comrade Alfredo Cospito’s declaration
to the court at the first hearing (October 30 2013) of the trial for the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi
Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd-Sysiphus

Continue reading Genoa, Italy – Declaration of anarchist Alfredo Cospito and anarchist comrade Nicola Gai at the trial (October 30 2013) for the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi (en/it)