Provocazione (1974)


Ecco un testo apparso nel 1975 e senza firma sulla rivista “Puzz”, espressione di quella corrente radicale italiana che si era formata in percorsi come quelli dell’Organizzazione consiliare o di Ludd. Lo scritto seguente è la presentazione di “Provocazione”, una serie di quaderni di critica radicale che doveva raccogliere testi di varia provenienza, accomunati dalla tendenza non “convergente” a cercare punti d’attacco contro il  dominio reale del capitale. Giorgio Cesarano era il principale fautore di questo progetto.
Continue reading Provocazione (1974)

Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (8 communique)


After a short period of silence due to recent events (public and not so public), the terrorist group ITS has something to declare:

“What is needed is not to seek negotiations with the system, but a life and death struggle against it” (1) – Theodore John Kaczynski

Continue reading Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (8 communique)

Letter by K.Gournas member of the Revolutionary Struggle and D.Koufodinas member of the R.O. 17November concerning the legislation about the prisons – Athens



translated by Act for freedom now!
The legislation for the prisons creates the greek Guantanamo.
Those incarcerated in these special kinds of the prisons:
 -Are deprived of all rights the other prisoners have (days of leave, probation etc.)
 -Have their visitation rights and phone calls minimized (almost eliminated).
 -Remain locked in their cells for up to 23 hours a day.
 A special police force comes into these prisons with classified duties and authorities.

Continue reading Letter by K.Gournas member of the Revolutionary Struggle and D.Koufodinas member of the R.O. 17November concerning the legislation about the prisons – Athens

Oppose the March for England 2014



Yes, we are back again this year confronting their hate on the streets of Brighton. More details to follow……
Stop MfE



This morning Sussex anti-racist campaigners unveiled a banner on ancient chalk carving, the Long Man of Wilmington. The banner measured 35 x 13m and read


Tony Campbell of STOP THE MARCH FOR ENGLAND said “We chose this location because we felt it was important to show how the whole of Sussex, not just Brighton, rejects the hate-filled and divisive message of the March for England”

This morning Sussex anti-racist campaigners unveiled a banner on ancient chalk carving, the Long Man of Wilmington. The banner measured 35 x 13m and read



 A talk by Laudelino Iglesias Martinez.

Laudelino Iglesias Martinez left prison on the 9th of August 2004 after spending more than 23 years in Spanish cells. He is one of the well-known social rebels and anarchists imprisoned in Spain, participating in the revolutionary organisation of prisoners who were refused amnesty by the state after the death of Franco, and continuing to struggle against isolation and against the many abuses of a brutal incarceration system. Laudelino spent many years suffering at the hands of fascist screws in the infamous FIES units but never stopped  fighting.In autumn 2005 Laude began a European tour to spread information about past and current resistance to the repressive state apparatus that is the penal system, and to encourage solidarity with the many free and strong individuals who are currently behind bars.This short pamphlet is a transcript of a talk he gave at Bradford 1in 12 Club in October 2005 where he was accompanied by an activist from the Spanish prisoner support group Salhateka.   Available for £2ppd in the UK.

ABC Leeds

Grand Jury Resister Steve Returns Home!



Hi, my name is Steven Jablonski. I am anarchist and Grand Jury Resister. After living in exile in Canada for about a year and a half, I returned to United States about a month ago. My return was not meant to be secretive but I felt the need to take some time for myself to collect my thoughts and decompress before I releasing an official statement. I now feel ready to break the silence and clarify some of the confusion around me being subpoenaed for the Seattle Grand Jury investigating May Day 2012 in Seattle.
Continue reading Grand Jury Resister Steve Returns Home!