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Monthly Archives: April 2014
Primero la Libertad & Alegre Rebeldia
Mouvement anarchiste et antirépression en Biélorussie
Vendredi 18 avril 2014, à 19h30 au Transfo :
Cette année, l’Anarchist Black Cross Belarus fait une tournée d’information en Europe. Nous avons plusieurs objectifs. Nous voulons présenter la semaine de solidarité avec les prisonnierEs anarchistes qui aura lieu fin août 2014. C’est le projet de plusieurs groupes ABC européens qui veulent unir leur efforts pour soutenir nos camarades en prison.
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Contra las Deportaciones y sus Mercaderes
Comrades in Skövde sentenced (sweden) –
On Monday the 7th of April 2014, our comrades in Skövde (Sweden) were sentenced.
The comrade who’s still kept in captivity was sentenced to 2 years and six months in prison.
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En vez de una Semana Santa hagamos una Semana Ácrata.
Venta de libros y Publicaciones Anarquistas. Más de 500 títulos y más de 1.000 publicaciones, fanzines, periódicos y revistas.
Bitácora Simposio Informal Anarquista México Diciembre 2013 y Carta Publica del Colectivo Veneno Negro
Bitácora sobre el Simposio Informal Anaquista / Jornadas Informales Anárquicas México Diciembre 2013 y Carta Publica del Colectivo Veneno Negro.
Comenzaremos con la bitácora de lo que fue el Simposio anarquista informal / Jornadas informales anárquicas y posteriormente con el comunicado público del colectivo Veneno Negro.
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Κ*ΒΟΞ : Κυριακή 13/04, 14:00 – Ρεμπέτικο γλέντι οικονομικής ενίσχυσης των συλληφθέντων της πορείας του Κερατσινίου
Calais: Sudanese jungle evicted by the police (en/fr)
This morning at around 6am, as the sun came up, the camp known as the Sudanese jungle was evicted by the police. Following a tip off received this week suggesting the camp would be evicted and after speaking to the community who lived there, people in the camp and of the no borders collective were there doing morning watch.
Continue reading Calais: Sudanese jungle evicted by the police (en/fr)
Germany: Hambach Forest occupation evicted a third time – Reoccupation scheduled for April 26th
After the crackdown on the third occupation in the Hambach Forest, activists are determined to reoccupy the Hambach Forest on April 26th, 2014. On that day, a demonstration will start at 2pm at the train station in Buir (near Cologne).
Continue reading Germany: Hambach Forest occupation evicted a third time – Reoccupation scheduled for April 26th