

L’Encyclopedie des Nuisances

A bottomless chasm, or at any rate one that cannot be plumbed, we call an abyss. What of the gulf into which this society of dispossession is plunging before our very eyes? That there may be no end to this descent, or that it may end only with the self-destruction of the human race — these are, of course, mere hypotheses, much like the famous “China syndrome” itself. The crushing presence of such a possibility, however, already sits in judgment over all human actions and governs the construction of the various “safety barriers” whereby a world at war with its own power hopes to avoid a terrifying end by surviving in an endless terror. The real question is therefore: How many Chernobyls will be needed before the truth of the old slogan “Revolution or death!” is recognized as the last word of the scientific thought of this century?

That the demand for life itself has now become a revolutionary programme is demonstrated, at least negatively, by the following fact: carried farther and farther into madness by the necessities of their dominance, those social forces that would once have been described as conservative are no longer concerned even with the conservation of the biological bases for the survival of the species. Quite the opposite, because they are in fact bent on the methodical destruction of those bases. The dimensions of the gulf that they are digging for us are forever being calculated and recalculated, right down to the likely speed of our descent into it, right down to the bottom line — which is, in the event, the lifespan of cesium or plutonium. For this society is mad in Chesterton’s sense: it has lost everything except its reason — everything except that abstract rationality of the commodity that is its ultimate raison d’etre, and the one that has outlasted all the others. No doubt one could find other ruling classes in history which, having lost all historical perspective beyond that of their own survival, sank into a suicidal irresponsibility; but never in the past has a ruling class been able to press such vast means into service of such a total contempt for life.
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The tyranny of weakness


We came up against weakness everywhere today. We are weak, or act as though we are for fear of seeming different.
It is no longer fashionable to be self-assured or to have knowledge of oneself or others or things. It seems old fashioned, almost bad taste. We no longer make any effort to do things well, and by that I mean the things we have chosen to do, that we believe we would do at any cost. Against logic itself, we do them badly, superficially, without paying any attention to detail. We do not exactly boast about this weakness of course, but use it as a kind of screen to hide behind.
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Nantes: Au moins neuf arrestations ce matin suite à la manif du 22 février, rassemblements dès maintenant !


Ce matin, on pouvait lire sur le compte Twitter de la police nationale de Loire-Atlantique qu’une “opération de police judiciaire d’envergure” avait en réaction aux “graves exactions du 22 février”, autrement dit en réaction à la joyeuse manifestation qui avait eu lieu ce jour-là en solidarité avec la ZAD et contre le projet d’aéroport de Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Pour rappel concernant la manif, voir ici et ).
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Tre presidi sotto al carcere


In solidarietà con Chiara, Claudio, Mattia e Niccolò, con tutti i prigionieri in regime di Alta Sorveglianza, e con tutti i detenuti che parteciperanno alle mobilitazione di aprile, per oggi erano stati indetti tre presidi sotto i carceri di Alessandria, Ferrara e Rebibbia a Roma.
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