Udienza maxi processo no tav aula bunker

Corteo dei No Tav a Roma, da San Lorenzo a Porta Maggiore

mar, 20 maggio, 09:00 – 17:00

ORE 9 Aula Bunker Corso Regina Margherita 540- Torino Zona Vallette a pochi passi dal carcere-(Bus 29 Direzione Casa Circondariale CAP, in auto parcheggio fra il carcere e la Centrale del Teleriscaldamento)


per gli scontri del 27 Giugno e 3 Luglio 2011 in Valle di Susa


presidio No Tav in p.za Castello

orino in Piazza Castello (lato viaGaribaldi) ore 17 – 20



Volantinaggio, speakeraggio e banchetto informativo

Machi Celestino Cordova Mantiene huelga de Hambre en cárcel de Temuco


A través de un comunicado, la vocería del Machi Celestino Cordova prisionero en la cárcel de Temuco y que ya lleva 5 días en huelga de hambre afirma que la autoridad religiosa mapuche “mantendrá su movilización hasta que él sea trasladado a la Colonia Penal de Vilcún, que es el lugar más apto para que pueda desenvolverse y continuar su rol”.
Continue reading Machi Celestino Cordova Mantiene huelga de Hambre en cárcel de Temuco

Guardian of the Cemetery


Louise Michel

A Canaque legend, recorded in verse by Louise Michel in New Caledonia in 1875.
Translated from the French by Robert P. Helms

[The anarchist Louise Michel was exiled to New Caledonia in the South Pacific after the supression of the Paris
Commune in 1871. She had fought with the communards and served as director of elementary schools. While in New Caledonia,
she learned the native language and then recorded songs and legends of the native Canaque people. – Ed.]

He is there night and day, old Nehewoué, the guardian of the cemetery.

Each rising sun finds him sleeping, exhausted as he is by night work, and the light of every moon sees him stand.

He goes to gather the herbs that conjure: they conjure life and they conjure death.

He knows, old Nehewoué, how to conserve the spark that animates the old man, and he can extinguish the hearts of strong men, just as we suffocate a torch underneath our feet.

From far off, we come to see the guardian of the cemetery and consult with him; with the one who lives with the dead that sleep in the branches and the dead that sleep under the earth.

He hears the sounds that climb and the sounds that descend, Nehewoué the guardian of the dead.

What do the bones say to you, Nehewoué, when they crack in the branches with the wind’s breath?

Do you hear the worm in the flesh? Do you hear the eager hawk?

Why have you become powerful and terrible, Nehewoué? It’s because you live with the dead, and death is more powerful than life.



Albert Libertad

We don’t have faith, we have absolutely no confidence in our success: we are certain that we have neglected nothing, that we have made all our efforts in order to be on the correct road.
We are not certain that we will succeed: we are not certain that we are right. We don’t know, it is not possible for us to know if success will be at the end of our efforts, if it will be the reward; we try to act so that, logically, we should arrive at the result that interests us.
Continue reading WE GO ON

Contributions to the History of Individualism


Anselm Ruest

“When one thoroughly knows and deeply examines the notion of individuality and the consequences that derive from the principle that is its basis, meaning that every man is not only related to the world in a particular way, but also to every object in the world and to every idea that these objects awaken, one is astonished that so much natural discord is possible side by side with so much historical concord.”
Continue reading Contributions to the History of Individualism



The points that follow are addressed to the part of the movement for self-management that claims to exist within the anarchist movement. Personally, I do not believe that it exists at all. In fact, in areas where traces of an embryo of it might seem to exist, they turn out to be quite the opposite. Of course, this could be considered to be quite an arbitrary assumption, but a moment of reflection should help to clarify the matter.
It is not enough for anarchists to build some kind of structure, be it a squat, a libertarian school, an alternative bank, or a food or services coop, for the latter to be considered self-managed.