Monthly Archives: May 2014
Cartas 5E – zine
The Revolt of the Machines
Han Ryner (1896)
Back then, Durdonc, the Great Engineer of Europe, believed he had found the principle that would allow him to eliminate all human labor. But his initial experiment killed him before the secret was discovered.
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Συζήτηση: Το κοινωνικό συμβόλαιο στο διαδίκτυο
Paul Z. Simons & Modern Slavery: A Libertarian Critique of Civilization
This week William talks with Paul Z. Simons, a contributor to and editor of the journal Modern Slavery; A Libertarian Critique of Civilization available at Mr. Simons is also an essayist and former contributor/editor of Anarchy:
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Summer Solidarity Bash for Eco-Prisoners: Eugene OR
Summer Solidarity Bash for Eco-Prisoners
Come out on June 7th to the Bike Church to hear music, drink and show support for eco – prisoners.
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Community Sickness
Anarchist practice has fallen sharply in recent years, with few actions either at mass level or at the level of specific groups. As a result we see a revival of the issue of how to get closer to ‘communism’ or to building situations that not only express our ideas and ethical and cultural values but are also capable of satisfying our fundamental personal and collective need for freedom. In other words, there is a proposal to create points of reference that go beyond the classical division between the personal and the political.
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utobiografia de um Irredutível – Cláudio Lavazza
Como o título indica, trata-se da autobiografia de Cláudio Lavazza, um anarquista italiano, participante activo nos chamados «anos do chumbo» em Itália. Enquanto membro dos grupos Proletários Armados pelo Comunismo (P.A.C) e Comunistas Organizados pela Libertação Proletária (C.O.L.P) teve que se exilar em 1982 devido à repressão.
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Cassons tout, même la croûte (Nantes)
le samedi 7 juin 2014 à 12:00
Banquet de soutien à Natchav et à l’Envolée
POL’n 11 rue des olivettes 44 000 Nantes
nquet de soutien à Natchav et à l’Envolée
Une après midi pour découvrir et soutenir l’émission de radio Natchav et le journal L’Envolée, pour en finir avec tous les enfermements. Repas à prix libre, musique, jeux…
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