Spain – Terrorism charges confirmed against anarchist comrades Monica and Francisco


Translated by act for freedom now
On Friday 4th July it was finally decided that Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar will go on trial on charges of terrorism. According to the judge, the police and the press, which work together in this case, the two comrades ‘are linked to the FAI/FRI, a terrorist international organization based on insurrectional anarchist ideology’. The recourse to this acronym, which has nothing to do with the claim of the attack, is obviously being used to justify the trial for terrorism, given that the EU included it in its list of terrorist organizations.

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Nota da Organização Anarquista Terra e Liberdade sobre as prisões dxs lutadorxs e as perseguições políticas


CNA Rio De Janeiro

São tempos duros, companheirxs. É difícil encontrar as palavras que transmitam a nossa indignação frente às absurdas prisões políticas dxs lutadorxs, iniciadas no último 11 de julho.

Continue reading Nota da Organização Anarquista Terra e Liberdade sobre as prisões dxs lutadorxs e as perseguições políticas