La interpol detiene al antimilitarista Bernhard Heidbreder


El pasado 12 de julio fue detenido en la ciudad de Mérida, estado venezolano, el alemán Bernhard Heidbreder, quien desde el año 1995 había huido de su país debido a la persecución en su contra debido a sus actividades políticas en la izquierda radical alemana. Heidbreder, a quien el gobierno alemán acusa de haber participado en la organización “Das K.O.M.I.T.E.E”, es un feroz crítico del militarismo europeo y las políticas de inmigración del gobierno alemán.

En 1995 fue acusado de participar en el intento de volar con explosivos la reconstrucción de la cárcel de máxima seguridad para inmigrantes ubicada en Berlín-Grünau. El centro de detención, que se encontraba desocupado en esos momentos, no llegó a ser explotado pues minutos antes la policía descubrió los preparativos de la acción. Desde ese momento huyo de su país.

Continue reading La interpol detiene al antimilitarista Bernhard Heidbreder

[SP] Roda de Conversa: Criminalização e Perseguição à Militância Anarca-feminista no Rio de Janeiro



Desde 2013 mulheres, lésbicas e trans feministas e anarquistas tem sido enormemente atingidas pela crescente criminalização dos movimentos sociais.
Tendo em vista a atual realidade do Rio de Janeiro, propomos uma roda de conversa para relatar, problematizar e nos fortalecer diante da criminalização efetuada pelo Estado e da culpabilização feita pela grande mídia, bem como por setores anarquistas, à luta anarca-feminista e às vivências autônomas, não-monogâmicas e lésbicas dessas militantes.

Data: Sábado, 16/08
Horário: 17:00 – Pontualmente!
Local: CDC City, Rua Sepetiba, 660 – Lapa – São Paulo – SP

Tattoo Circus SP

Anarchists Target Chapel Hill Police Headquarters in Solidarity with Luke O’Donovan and Ferguson Rioters


In the early hours of August 14th, three police cruisers were smashed out at the Chapel Hill Police Department Headquarters in Chapel Hill, NC. A message was also painted on one of the cars, reading, “For Luke.”

This was done as a small gesture of solidarity with Luke O’Donovan, of Atlanta, GA, who was recently sentenced to two years in prison for defending himself against five homophobic attackers. We hope this brings a smile to his face.

We also carried out this act in solidarity with the rioters and looters of Ferguson, MO, who, in the face of continued brutality by racist police, have inspired the world with their courageous resistance against the forces of state, capital, and white supremacy. May their insurrection spread.

Both as small groups and entire neighborhoods, it is possible to fight back.

– some anarchists

Attack on targets related to prison: Barrage on Bazaar in Athens – Greece


With this act of ours, we are contributing to the constellation of
struggles inside and outside the walls that are developing against the
new law for prisons.
Highlight of the mobilisation was the hunger strike with the
participation of over 4.500 prisoners in all the prisons of the Greek
territory. One of the biggest strikes in numbers by global standards,
that lasted one week, overcoming all the organisational difficulties
within the prison environment.
Continue reading Attack on targets related to prison: Barrage on Bazaar in Athens – Greece

Semilla de Liberacion





Contenido de este número:

Antopocentrismo en la lucha por la tierra…………………..Pag.2
Reflejos del progreso sobre el Tipnis…………………….…….Pag.5
Guerra a las maquinas!…………………………………………………..Pag.11
La nano-pesadilla……………………………………………Pag.15
Entrevista a Walter Bond, primera parte………………………..Pag.18
Fracking la nueva cara del ecocidio…………………………Pag.23
Crítica del nuevo mundo feliz que se avecina………………Pag.27


Revista Semilla de liberacion #1



Cualquier consulta o lo que fuere escribir a



Anarchist Sabotage Equipment at a Mcdonalds Construction Site in Portland.


Earlier this week, several pieces of heavy equipment, including a dump truck and water pump, located at the construction site of a Mcdonalds restaurant off 29th and Powell in S.E. Portland, were sabotaged by having bleached poured into their fuel tanks.

Continue reading Anarchist Sabotage Equipment at a Mcdonalds Construction Site in Portland.