El Hogar ProVegan en Tarragona.


El Hogar ProVegan participa por primera vez en una feria en Tarragona.
Una feria de artesanía organizada por la asociación sociocultural La iMAGInada, a la que además asistirán entidades sin ánimo de lucro.
Montaremos nuestro stand informativo y nuestra tienda solidaria.
Os esperamos los días 15 y 16 de agosto entre las 17,30h y las 21h, en el “Camp de Mart” de Tarragona.
Si no puedes venir, ¿nos ayudas difundiendo?




A Feira Libertaria é uma iniciativa do Núcleo de Atividades Libertárias Ludovicence, que busca de maneira simples e solidaria difundir os ideais libertários a maior gama possível de pessoas.

No ano que comemora-se o segundo centenário de nascimento do revolucionário russo Mikhail Bakunin, explodem iniciativas por todo o globo como convite ao resgate e aprofundamento de sua vida e obra. Nesse sentido, a III Feira Libertária de São Luís/MA pretende não só saudar memórias de lutas, mas também fomentar um presente de resistências.

O evento contará com Debates, Expo/Venda de Materiais, Mostra de Vídeos, Oficinas e o Lançamento de uma publicação inédita. Contribua você também!

Infos: www.feiralibertariasaoluis.noblogs.org

Come si esegue un esproprio del Terzo Valico secondo il Cociv


Qualche giorno dopo la grande giornata di resistenza agli espropri del 30 luglio e la risposta data dal Movimento No Tav – Terzo Valico con la partecipata fiaccolata del 3 agosto ci è stato recapitato un video che ben dimostra, più di mille parole, quello che i comitati vanno ripetendo dal primo momento. Gli espropri in realtà, nonostante cariche, manganellate e lacrimogeni non sono stati eseguiti a termine di legge.
Continue reading Come si esegue un esproprio del Terzo Valico secondo il Cociv

BK/NY – Thursday, August 21st – Direct Action Everywhere!



The growth of the Arab Spring, global LGBTQ rights, and the animal rights movement in notable countries around the world (which have, in some cases, seen up to 15% vegetarian surges in a single year) are powerful examples of sudden and systemic change. Can we achieve the same incredible mobilizations for progressive causes in the US?

Continue reading BK/NY – Thursday, August 21st – Direct Action Everywhere!

Tahltan Call for Blockade of Imperial Metals Mine in Wake of Mt. Polley Disaster



Warrior Publications

A group of Tahltan First Nation elders is adding to the opposition of mining projects in British Columbia following the Mount Polley tailings-dam failure calling for a blockade today of the Red Chris mine project near Iskut in the far northwest.

Continue reading Tahltan Call for Blockade of Imperial Metals Mine in Wake of Mt. Polley Disaster

Activists “Shut Down” Zoo in the Country of Georgia to Protest Animal Cruelty



 Bite Back

On the night of 2nd of August animal liberation activists closed all the six gates of Batumi zoo with chains and locks. They also hanged the banner ‘Closed for Animal Cruelty’ on the fence of the enterprise. It was an action within the bounds of Shut ‘Em Down perpetual campaign.

This is a third action of the campaign in Georgia. Previously in Tbilisi the chain meat supermarket was closed in the middle of the day while being functioning and the ‘Salamander’ shoe shop was shut down on the New Year’s night. Both times activists used bicycle locks in their work.

Update and Deadline for “Small Town Anarchists” zine


Hello north american online anarchy world! After this project’s last post on anarchistnews there has been some reflection. The formerly designated ‘small town anarchists’ zine is now going to be referred to as ‘Small Anarchist Population” zine, or SAP for short. ‘Small town’ is a playful term that some people where this anarchist resides use to contrast our experiences from ‘where stuff’s happening,’ or the places that anarchists move to. Being from somewhere that is also relatively small in population in terms of American cities, it makes sense in our context to use this language. Perhaps for this project there should’ve been more consideration for people who live in large cities with little/no anarchist scenes, or those who actually live in literal ‘small towns.’ Well, there wasn’t such consideration, but now there has been: so Small Anarchist Population it is!
Continue reading Update and Deadline for “Small Town Anarchists” zine