In Rojava: People’s War is not Class War (en/fr)


Text “In Rojava: People’s War is not Class War”, which you can read below, represents a contribution of “Internationalist Communist Tendency” (ICT) to a debate that has been taking place in certain circles claiming “anti-capitalist struggle” since several weeks. The central points of this discussion are current events in Western Kurdistan, Rojava.

Even if we generally don’t agree with the ideological corpus of ICT (despite some programmatic positions and references in common), we nevertheless decided to publish here this text and to translate it in Czech and in French from the original English version because we share the defence of internationalist positions expressed in it. State is not merely a structure of government, police, army and administrative apparatus, State, as the communist movement grasps it, is a social relation, materialization of capitalist world order, no matter whether its legitimacy is based on parliament or community assemblies. If therefore PKK and its PYD’s henchmen claim that they do not seek to create a State, it is just because in reality they already – due to their role, practical and ideological, they play in Rojava – represent the State. This is what some of PKK’s partisans call quite rightly “a State without a State”, i.e. a State that doesn’t necessarily territorialize as a Nation-State, but which ultimately really constitutes a State in the sense that capitalist social relations, private property, are not fundamentally challenged.

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Millenarian Rebels: Prophets and Outlaws


Os Cangaceiros

Translator’s Introduction

It is no surprise that the French group of revolutionary outlaws, Os Cangaceiros, would take an interest in millenarian revolt since their namesakes in Brazil fought side by side with millenarian rebels on more than one occasion. And such an interest is no mere whim. During the Middle Ages, revolt almost always expressed itself in millenarian language in the Western world, and such expressions continued, though increasingly less frequently, into modern times. Thus, those of us who are interested in understanding the ways in which the spirit of revolt develops in individuals and in larger groups of people could perhaps learn something from examining millenarianism in its various forms.

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Basic Banalities


Raoul Vaneigem

Part I


Bureaucratic capitalism has found its legitimation in Marx. I am not referring here to orthodox Marxism’s dubious merit of having reinforced the neocapitalist structures whose present reorganization is an implicit homage to Soviet totalitarianism; I am emphasizing the extent to which Marx’s most profound analyses of alienation have been vulgarized in the most commonplace facts, which, stripped of their magical veil and materialized in each gesture, have become the sole substance, day after day, of the lives of an increasing number of people. In a word, bureaucratic capitalism contains the palpable reality of alienation; it has brought it home to everybody far more successfully than Marx could ever have hoped to do, it has banalized it as the diminishing of material poverty has been accompanied by a spreading mediocrity of existence. As poverty has been reduced in terms of mere material survival, it has become more profound in terms of our way of life — this is at least one widespread feeling that exonerates Marx from all the interpretations a degenerate Bolshevism has derived from him. The “theory” of peaceful coexistence has accelerated such an awareness and revealed, to those who were still confused, that exploiters can get along quite well with each other despite their spectacular divergences.

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Why the Technological System Will Destroy Itself


Ted Kaczynski


Our discussion deals with self-propagating systems. By a self-propagating system (‘self-prop system’ for short) we mean a system that tends to promote its own survival and propagation. A system may propagate itself in either or both of two ways: The system may indefinitely increase its own size and/or power, or it may give rise to new systems that possess some of its own traits.

The most obvious examples of self-propagating systems are biological organisms. Groups of biological organisms can also constitute self-prop systems; e.g., wolf packs and hives of honeybees. Particularly important for our purposes are self-prop systems that consist of groups of human beings. For example, nations, corporations, labor unions, and political parties; also some groups that are not clearly delimited and lack formal organization, such as schools of thought, social networks, and subcultures. Just as wolf packs and beehives are self-propagating without any conscious intention on the part of wolves or bees to propagate their packs or their hives, there is no reason why a human group cannot be self-propagating independently of any intention on the part of the individuals who comprise the group.

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Capodanno alla Marzolo Occupata e presidio anticarcerario (Padova)

guardia penitenziaria carcere padova-2

Capodanno di lotta e solidarietà al carcere Due Palazzi di Padova

Contro condizioni disumane, sovraffollamento, trattamenti punitivi e differenziazione! Contro le vessazioni di ogni genere
da parte di secondini e dell’amministrazione carceraria!
Solidali con tutti i detenuti in lotta, con i compagni in carcere, con i rivoluzionari prigionieri che fieramente rivendicano la loro militanza politica e con chi resiste nelle prigioni dell’imperialismo in tutto il mondo!

Per un nuovo anno di lotta e resistenza!

H 19.00 aperitivo solidale presso la Mensa Marzolo Occupata

h 21.30 presidio al Due Palazzi

Da mezzanotte in poi cena, festeggiamenti e musica alla Marzolo Occupata

Scatenati – collettivo contro la repressione Marzolo Occupata

Via Marzolo 4 – quartiere Portello – Padova

Ilya Romanov, anarquista encarcelado, necesita de tu solidaridad!


Ilya Romanov, un anarquista ruso de 46 años de edad, ha estado bajo arresto durante más de un año, desde el 29 de octubre de 2013. Se le acusa de un intento de ataque terrorista (Art.30 del 205.1 del Código Penal de Rusia) y de fabricación ilegal de explosivos (222.1 CC). Él alega que sus derechos han sido violados. Las leyes han sido violadas juzgándolo a puerta cerrada, con una investigación que ha sido excesivamente larga, y todas sus reclamaciones han sido rechazadas.
Continue reading Ilya Romanov, anarquista encarcelado, necesita de tu solidaridad!

Rojava: Una Revolución en la vida diaria


Aquí dejamos la traducción al castellano de un relato sobre una visita al cantón de Cizire, el cual nos parece interesante ya que la autora resalta la cuestión de la destrucción de la propiedad y de la diferencia de clases en el proceso social que está ocurriendo en Rojava, y cuál es su opinión al respecto tras la experiencia de esa visita.