Notes on Summits and Counter-Summits – 2009

Doisneau-Carrousel.bmp[1] (1)

Some Roveretan anarchists

The Illusion of a Center

Capitalism is a social relationship and not a citadel for the powerful. It is starting from thins banality that one can confront the question of summits and counter-summits. Representing capitalist and state domination as a kind of general headquarters (it’s a question of the G8, the WTO or some other such organization) is useful to those who would like to oppose that managing center with another center: the political structures of the so-called movement, or better, their spokespeople. In short, it is useful to who propose merely a change in management personnel. Besides being reformist in essence and purpose, this logic becomes collaborationist and authoritarian in method, as it leads to centralization of the opposition. This is where the concern of these leftist adversaries, so anxious to make themselves heard by the “masters of the world”, in investing money and political hype on the summits in which those in power more and more frequently set the dates with them comes from. In the course of these summits decisions that were made elsewhere are merely formalized, but this certainly does not disturb the various representatives of the social forums; after all, their opposition is also completely formal, consisting mainly of paid seminars in which it is shown that neoliberalism is wrong and humanity is right, or, for the more lively, in some combative performance opportunely agreed upon with the police. Besides, how could an opposition subsidized by institutions, represented by municipal and parliamentary councilors and protected by the grave-diggers of the workers’ movement (we’re referring to the monitoring patrols entrusted to the CGIL in collaboration with the cops) be real? The paradox is that people are called into the streets in the name of another possible world, but with the intention that… absolutely nothing happens.
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[11/01] Concert solidari amb les represaliades de l’Operació Pandora @ CSA La Rampa


Concert solidari el proper 11 de Gener al CSA La Rampa


L’11 de Gener farem un concertàs al CSA La Rampa:

Des del llafiscós llac de Banyoles ens arriben un parell de grups de PUNK.

Avört son fruit de la llavor que van deixar plantada els HHH a tan nefasta ciutat. Duet de punk abortista i anti-droga. Podeu escoltar la seva demo aqui:
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[18a Marxa solidària amb les persones preses] Recull de textos anti-carceraris

Pugem aquí l’arxiu imprimible en .pdf (i comprimit en .rar) del recull de textos que diversos col·lectius van escriure amb motiu de la 18a Marxa solidària amb les persones preses i contra les presons.
Clica la imatge per una versió més gran



Un any més, aquest 31 de Desembre convoquem les manifestacions en solidaritat amb les persones preses i en contra de les presons, com un exercici de visibilització i denúncia de la realitat carcerària, en unes dates en que són moltes les que no podran retrobar-se amb les seves famílies i amigues. Aquest és un dia en que acudim a tres presons de Barcelona (Wad-Ras, Centre d’Internament d’Estrangers i Presó Model) per donar suport a les persones preses i cridar ben fort pel tancament i desaparició de tots els espais de privació de llibertat, sumant-nos de nou a una tradició que ja fa molts anys que perviu en forma de protesta global a moltes altres ciutats d’arreu del món.

Com a part de la difusió d’aquesta convocatòria i de les idees llibertàries i abolicionistes hem decidit editar aquest recull de textos que tens a les mans, que tracta algunes de les múltiples cares de la reclusió i la institució penitenciària.
Continue reading [18a Marxa solidària amb les persones preses] Recull de textos anti-carceraris

Research and Development: Articles on Surveillance Technologies from “Green Anarchist”


Various Authors


Remembering Spain : Italian anarchist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War


Umberto Marzocchi


Umberto Marzocchi

He was born in Florence on 10 October 1900. A shipyard worker in La Spezia, he became an anarchist at a very early age and by 1917 was secretary of the metalworkers’ union affiliated to the USI (Italian Syndicalist Union), thanks to his youth which precluded his being mobilised for front-line service as a reprisal. During the “Red Biennium” he took part in the struggles alongside the renowned La Spezia anarchist, Pasquale Binazzi, the director of Il Libertario newspaper. In 1920 he was part of a gang of anarchists that attacked the La Spezia arsenal, overpowering the security guards and carrying off two machine guns and several rifles, in the, alas disappointed, hope of triggering a revolutionary uprising in the city. In 1921, visiting Rome to reach an agreement with Argo Secondari, he took over as organiser of the Arditi del Popolo (People’s Commandos) in the region; this organisation was to give good account of itself during the “Sarzana incidents”. Moving to Savona, he organised the meeting between Malatesta and the pro-Bolshevik Russian anarchist Sandomirsky who arrived in Rapallo in the wake of the Chicherin delegation as its Press Officer. By 1922, wanted by the fascists, he left the country, playing an active part in the activities of the anarchist exiles in France and Belgium.

Continue reading Remembering Spain : Italian anarchist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

Intervista al comandante YPG: analisi e aspettative della resistenza di Kobanê


31 dicembre 2014

Cemil Mazlum, uno dei comandanti YPG di Kobanê, ha tracciato per ANF una valutazione della resistenza opposta contro gli attacchi di ISIS a Kobanê e in Rojava nel corso del 2014, dei risultati e delle aspettative per il 2015.

Il comandante YPG di Kobanê ha sottolineato che nella situazione attuale le bande di ISIS hanno subito una sconfitta di fronte alla resistenza delle YPG/YPJ, aggiungendo: “Salutiamo il 2015 a passi di vittoria contro le bande di ISIS a Kobanê e nell’intero Rojava”.

Continue reading Intervista al comandante YPG: analisi e aspettative della resistenza di Kobanê

Social War By Other Means


Willful Disobedience


I believe it was Clausewitz who said that war was simply politics carried out by other means. I think that the reverse is a truer expression of social reality. Politics is simply the social war carried out using less bloody means. If we consider that it is always the ruling class and its lackeys who call for social peace, demanding that the exploited and excluded refrain from violence in dealing with their social condition, it becomes obvious that social peace is simply part of the strategy of the social war. For this reason, the peace movement must be rejected as a way of dealing with the current American call for war.

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