Am 25. Dezember 2014 waren wir irgendwann nach Mitternacht gemeinsam in der Braunschweiger Innenstadt unterwegs, wo wir plötzlich von zwei fremden Menschen auf die Straße geworfen und festgehalten wurden. Nach einer Weile kam die Polizei und brachte uns getrennt voneinander zunächst auf die Wache in der Münzstraße, denn wir stünden im Verdacht, eine Sachbeschädigung und eine Körperverletzung begangen zu haben. Mit der gewohnten Übertreibung redete ein Polizist von „Einbruch, Diebstahl, alles!“, ein anderer von versuchter Gefangenenbefreiung und ein anderer sogar von versuchtem Totschlag. Mit derart zahlreichen und heftigen Beschuldigungen wollten die Cops uns vermutlich Angst machen und unter Druck setzen, während wir erst durch eine spätere Pressemitteilung der Polizei erfahren haben, was genau eigentlich die Vorwürfe sind. Continue reading „Sind Sie Mitglied in der Animal Front?“ – Polizeigewalt bei Festnahme von zwei Aktivisten in Braunschweig→
Erzincan (Diha) -L’Ufficio del governatore della provincia di Erzincan ha diramato un comunicato che vietatutte le attività in zona di comunicati alla stampa,manifestazioni e petizioni fino al 12 gennaio. Continue reading Quindici giorni di legge marziale a Erzincan→
A collaborator of the “Dépêche de Toulouse,” M. Eugène Fournière, recently commented on the prose of M. Ernest La Jeunesse and the article in response to it that appeared here. M. Eugene Fournière, analyzing my defense of the “bandits” writes that “the murder of a messenger carrying receipts or the violation of a grave” will not “put a stop to the culpable regime.” He adds that if, like me, his sympathies are for “those who fights” he distinguishes between those who fight to satisfy their hunger, like a wolf, and “capital’s oppressed and exploited, who are uniting and learning in order to attain to collective leadership.”
This is more or less how they answer us every time we legitimize the rebellion of the criminal, that economic rebel.
Kaum ist das Weihnachtsessen verdaut und der Sylvesterkater besiegt, geht es für die antifaschistische und antirassistische Linke in München auch schon wieder los: In München stehen im Januar zwei große Ereignisse für die radikale Linke an: Wir kriegen Besuch aus der Keupstraße – anlässlich der Verhandlung des Terroranschlags gegen die Bewohner_innen der Kölner Keupstraße im Juni 2004, rufen Überlebende des Anschlags, das Kölner Bündnis ‘Keupstraße ist überall’ und das Münchner ‘Bündnis gegen Naziterror und Rassismus’ und bundesweite Zusammenhänge zu einem Aktionstag und einer Demo auf. Continue reading Antifa Januar München→
1. The revolutionary is a doomed man. He has no personal interests, no business affairs, no emotions, no attachments, no property, and no name. Everything in him is wholly absorbed in the single thought and the single passion for revolution.
2. The revolutionary knows that in the very depths of his being, not only in words but also in deeds, he has broken all the bonds which tie him to the social order and the civilized world with all its laws, moralities, and customs, and with all its generally accepted conventions. He is their implacable enemy, and if he continues to live with them it is only in order to destroy them more speedily.
Although Serbia/Yugoslavia was and still is a generally conservative environment, I think that it could be said fascism, in a strict definition, was a relatively small movement within it. Early on there were proto-fascist groups, like the conspiratorial Black Hand in the pre-1918 period, and various fascistic groups in the 1920’s (ORJUNA and others). The first more ideologically well-defined fascist groups in Serbia and Yugoslavia appeared in the first half of 1930’s (not counting the Croatian Ustašas, which are a separate issue). These smaller groups united in 1935, and this is how the Yugoslav National Movement Zbor (Rally) was formed, led by a Serbian lawyer Dimitrije Ljotić.
“We were aware of the activists, but I don’t think we understood exactly to what lengths they would go.”
–Warren Stevens, on dropping a $33 million loan to Huntingdon Life Sciences despite having vowed never to do so, following rioting at his offices in Little Rock and vandalism of his property